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We are the 99 percent


i live in loveland co. i am middle class, i have spent days researching the earth nature government people economy you know all the important stuff we don't learn much in school. based on what i have learned it doesn't have to be this way almost all our stressful problems come from one source government and corporations why? who has power? Government! and corporations. corporations want more and more money and lose there humanity. gas doesn't have to be so expensive i know for a fact there are fuel sources that can be grown and sold for less than 50 cents a gallon. if the thunder don't get you the lighting will. if our government or these corporations don't change till something bad happens we the 99% will make them change for our better rather than their profits. if you also live near loveland please contact me if you are interested in organizing a peace protest. viva la revaluation!!

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