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We are the 99 percent


Occupy Wall Street.

( A theme Song For the Dedicated Protestors)

No one likes what has happened with the banking scandals...whether one is Republican, Democrat or independent. This song speaks out for justice, not politics, for fairness not class warfare. There are far too few protest songs being written today, and they have the power to sway the minds of those who are angry but silent.


Occupy Wall Street.

( A theme Song For the Dedicated Protestors)


"Let them eat cake" they say,
big banks don't have to pay,
bailouts will come their way,
they all will be O.K.
while folks struggle everyday
it's time to change their fate,
"Let them eat prison cake!"

Bernie Madeoff with the money
Goldman Sachs took stacks of cash,
the Lehman Brothers they made billions
stabbing investors in the back,
J.P. Morgan chased the rainbows
that led to others pots of gold,
Bank of America brought hysteria
with the money they all stole.


"Let them eat cake" they say,
big banks don't have to pay,
bailouts will come their way,
they all will be O.K.
while folks struggle everyday
it's time to change their fate,
"Let them eat prison cake!"

We've got to Occupy Wall Street
crawl down to their level
that's lower then demons from hell,
let them walk through the masses
of deprived middle classes,
it's time that these banker boys fell....


Pressure our leaders
to go after these Caesar's
these bleeders of cash
from the needy,
Like Rome let them fall
It's time to answer the call,
to bring ruin to
the rich and the greedy...


"Let them eat cake" they say,
big banks don't have to pay,
bailouts will come their way,
they all will be O.K.
while folks struggle everyday
it's time to change their fate,
convicts will set a date
to change what's on their blue plates,
"Let them eat toilet cake!"

ArtWhimsically Yours Studio
MFB III Productions-(c)-2011
All rights reserved-

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