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We are the 99 percent


Are there other ways we can organize mankind; where living life can be pleasurably enjoyed to its fullest, where the needs of every individual are all free and where the basic necessities of life (food, water, earth) are given more attention, sustained and replenished?

What if :

1."Life is 10% Work and 90% Merriment";
> Where people’s main job is to merely work in The Farms. These farms are made up of people who comfortably sit inside highly technological tractors to cultivate the land for plantation; people who cast mechanical nets guided by global positioning systems to catch fish; people who simply push buttons to mechanically produce goods and commodities; and people who manage the productions, distributions and consumptions of goods and services for everyone to equally enjoy.

2.Selling and money are things of the past.
> Humans work for “points” to “buy” items. Points are collected by working in the Farms: the vegetable farm, the fish farm, the drinking water farm, the livestock farm and all other food farms. Points are stored in an atm-like pocket size secured card. A one week salary is equal to 240 points or 4 hours of work. These points can buy 3 decent meals, rent a technically sophisticated room in a high end condominium and take you anywhere around the globe. In other words, your house, your job and all you need in life come along with you wherever you go all around the world.

3.Everything is free.
> Since everyone shares his/her time working in the Farms, everything being produce from these farms will all be free for everyone to enjoy. What more if adults over 50 years old, special individuals and kids under 15 years of age receive everything for free too. Goods, services and pleasures are continuously delivered to these oldies, abecederians and kiddies anytime without restrictions. Old people don’t even need to worry about their day to day needs until they die.

4.People help people.
> Manufacturing establishments, shopping malls, recreational centers, hospitals, schools, high rise condominiums, roads, bridges and all other communal necessities will be built by the people for the people. Banks, courts, police stations and jail houses are things of the past. The productions, distributions, and consumptions of goods or services are no longer run by business tycoons or capitalists. They are managed by the people ….WE …..The Farmers.

5.Satellite Communities.
> Communities all over the world are setup identical with every satellite community. The networks of transportation, called Superstations, are the main backbone of commerce and pleasure that connect these communities. They are strategically located all over the world for easy accessibility. Every substation houses hundreds of thousands of superconductive electromagnetic trains. These networks of transportation can ferry billions of commuters all over the world continuously 24/7. Intelligent condominiums, which are all built by the people, stand half mile away from every substation. These glass tinted solar powered buildings are accessible by compact electrical cars, aerodynamically bikes, automatic walkways, or the traditional way of walking. Every satellite community is a tourist destination.

6.Teachers, doctors, and soldiers have new roles in the society. People who like to be soldiers are tasked to serve mankind from natural catastrophic events. People who like to become doctors or other medical care providers are tasked to equally serve without prejudice any patients of colors - black, white, brown, red, yellow, pink, and green. However, accountants, attorneys, CEOs, managers, law enforcers, criminals, homeless, and prostitutes are no longer considered as occupations. All of them have been declared as -- the things of the past.

Is this science fiction? NO. Can we create this new world? YES. Can we reorganize mankind? YES. Can we eliminate famine, draught, wars, corruptions, genocides, atrocities, global warming, and other world problems? YES.

WE ...The People ... Must Say …..

NO to the buying and selling system: - an old type of barter method we learned borrowed and followed from antiquity. Man has to change his way of acquiring his basic needs without being influenced by the primitive way of acquiring goods. What humans need to do now is to work together as people for the people.

NO to the political system: -why do we still need judicial laws and the people behind the governmental systems? Of course, obviously chaos is the aftermath if cultural rules are not implemented. But are these laws necessary when all people have their own house, permanent job, and other necessities in life?

NO to the transportation system that pollute the earth! Why not build solar-powered train systems that are interconnected worldwide where everyone can go back and forth from place to place, from state to state, from country to country.

NO to the higher tuition fees: - there is a better way to learn without spending even a single dime and where the educational system is administered by the students. Students are the teachers and teachers are the students. Students learn things based on their passion, interests or skills and eventually become expert/master on their chosen hobbies or fields. Through this system the advancement of our civilization will also be tenfold quicker. Since humans waited ten thousand of years before computers were discovered, our future advancement might take shorter time because everyone on earth becomes master of his passion. This worldwide intellectual sharing may lead us to build a spaceship quicker that will take humans to the nearest galaxy when earth comes to its extinction or discover a medicine that will extend ones life mortality and invulnerability.

NO to the workplace system owned by capitalist: - What if our workplace is owned by the people, where every “dollar” that we earned is not taxable, where life is not dictated or manipulated by a handful of greed and corrupt officials. Where after coming from the “office”, one might spend the rest of that day or week with a group, who shares the same passions, skills or interests as his or hers. One might have a passion on art and opt to join an art group maybe in Japan today, or in Europe tomorrow or in china the next time. Or since one can bring his/her house, job and needs all around the globe, one might opt to enjoy the sunset in the Bahamas today, a fine dinner in Italy tomorrow or cruise to Indonesia for seven days. A lifestyle everyone wants to have in their day to day lives.

We call ourselves Modern Man, Intellectually Smart, Technologically Advanced but No one thinks that our civilization is slowly deteriorating to extinction. No one thinks that the basic needs of man: food, water and earth are slowly being contaminated and falling apart. No one thinks that mother earth is old enough that it needs to be maintained at the least. If everyone will just simply think deeply, listen consciously and pay attention with open mind for awhile, I believe humanity has still a chance to reorganize for the betterment before its too late.

There is a simple solution. Mankind has them already. We just need to reorganize.

Save ourselves. Organize Mankind. Save Mother Earth.

"Harmony, and not peace, is the key element that will unite all countries together. In science we cannot prove peace, but we can prove what harmony is!" ~ Unknown

( Please translate, reproduce and distribute to a family or friend. Thank you. )

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