Protest in America: a new revolution
October 10, 2011 Wall street new york, U.S.A. – A new chapter in a revolution that has been long overdue According to the protestors , they have had enough of the corporate greed that just has been in the mode of take take take since the beginning of the 1980 ( the Reagan years that led to the deregulation and tax breaks for the rich)and the start of the 1990’s which has magnified since the nafta era of the 1990’s, which led to the beginning of the end to the American dominance of industrial and manufacturing in the world the nafta era of the 1990’s created an environment that has led to the redistribution of wealth from that of the middle class who worked in the industrial and manufacturing industry, that was dominant in the world stage up until the 1990’s to the outsourcing 3 percent of the population. The wealthy. The other effects of nafta was the elimination of industrial and manufacturing employment that supplied the employment and stabilization of communities throughout the Midwest and all over this great country. The third effect was it opened the doors to eliminating the tariff laws that protected a countries workers from that of outsiders. Our workers The results of nafta have caused the elimination of more than 100 million jobs in this country, Probably a lot more. Nafta has resulted in the destruction of communities throughout this country. Nafta has resulted in the elimination of the dominance of Americas industrial and manufacturing might. Nafta has resulted in fewer jobs for those coming out of college and high schools. Why because all those jobs are overseas. Nafta has resulted in the destruction of a fair and safe working environment. Nafta has resulted in the destruction of fair trade and the free trade for every one but America. • Nafta was created by George H W Bush (republican – corporate leader) and was signed by William Jefferson Clinton ( democrat- the supposedly man of the people). It was opposed by a new comer, Ross Perot an independent, and eccentric billionaire that had a love for this country . Ross Perot said 20 years ago as soon as you sign Nafta all our jobs will go south and they will leave the shore of the united states forever. • Nafta led to the biggest corporate supply of goods for the united states but not based in the united states eliminating the workers in this country creating these products. Why does china own our debt cause we gave them our industry and manufacturing when we signed nafta with that of a stoke of a pen • Why are the students of colleges all over the united states not able to get work when they have done there time in college, studied hard, and done the right thing. Because their government , the republicans and democrats have sold out their futures when they signed nafta and filled the pockets of the corporations all over this country that has no problem outsourcing your jobs. Nafta and corporate greed is so intertwined in this country to the point that they are one in the seam. Raising the tariffs like what the Brazilians have done a week and a half ago is the only alternative unless china agrees to a fair trade agreement, but I don’t see that happening , keep up the fight • Maybe it is time for a third party for the middle class the 80 percent of the population maybe that is the answer the peoples working class party or We the people. A middle class party that express the views and the action of the middle class by the middle class.
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