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We are the 99 percent


I'm a 62 YO white male and have never seen anything happening like I see today. I worry for the young as our country faces the worst challenges since it got it's freedom. America, WAKE UP. These little comment sections are here to distract you from the things that really matter. If you haven't relized by now that the GOP and whoever represents them have only ONE PURPOSE. That purpose is to DESTROY THE AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS. Uncomprohendable, but true. One republician, RonaldK, on Yahoo called Romney a "class warrior". Why do you think they INVITED immigrants here and told us it was to do the jobs "THAT AMERICAN'S WOULD NOT DO"? Why do you think they sent the American manufacturing jobs to Communist China? Why do you think they stold your 401Ks? Why do you think they used SCAM banking loans against you. These are ACTS OF TREASON. We know this started with Reagon himself. Reagon started the Iran-Contra, senior Reagan officials secretly arranged the sale of arms to Iran. Under the Boland Amendment, further funding of the Contras through the appropriated funds had been stopped by the Democratic Congress. Then GH told America there was "NO Social Security Fund". Today the US government OWES SS $6.3 TRILLION, this makes SS the LARGEST HOLDER of our national debt. GW did the first four things in the beginning of this comment. And what did the American people do during all of this? The same thing as our "DO NOTHING CONGRESS"; they sit and DID NOTHING. Congress does nothing because they are just waiting to finish their PLAN. They only need one more term to do this. America, I'm old so this want affect me to much or for to long. But young America this will change (DESTROY) your lives forever. If you don't join together and do something, you're going down, hard and fast. Still sounds UNCOMPROHENDABLE, and I understand this. But you MUST open your minds and react. If you have to buy NOTHING but food for a year it will be worth it. If you have to take your vacations to march on Washington it will be worth it. If we have to die for it, it will be worth it. When you see the second signs of this, as you missed the one I told you about, STAND UP FOR YOUR FREEDOMS and hope the military represents you and not the Pentagon. Romney's budget expands the military at a cost of your futures and the older peoples health. We sit and did NOTHING as all of this happened over the last 30 years. But, now these plans are in there finial stage. Sit and watch as our country becomes a Caste System. Sit and watch as your future is taken away from you. Sit and watch and then you have NO RIGHT to complain about it.

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