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We are the 99 percent


I support the US Green Party and I hope the General Assemblies will expand into a universal directly democratic self governance, making political parties and unions obsolete. Until then I will continue to work for the only consensus based major political party that works for movement goals and which takes no corporate donations.
Read the Platform @ http://www.gp.org/committees/platform/2010/index.php
Green Parties advocate IRV (instant run-off voting), and free air time for all serious candidates for public office, and stand for social justice as much as for environmental justice.
Just like the occupations, don't "trust them", be us!
List of USGP affiliated GP sites by state @ http://www.gp.org/states.shtml .
Most state and local parties use modified consensus decision making, hold to no ideology, and are open to new volunteers, members, and informed candidates, from every walk of life and previous political disposition. If you find an exception, change it, make it everyones' local Green Party.

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