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We are the 99 percent


I am an older college student in computer science.
I believe in representative government and the general principles of the constitution, however our elected representatives are not at all representatives of the people's interests, but usually only of their parties, major contributors and back room deals.
I believe our system of government is strongly "fixed" in favor of the 1%; keeping the rest of us as virtual slaves to the dollar and holds hostage and freely exploits the natural resources of the world which, in my view, belongs equally to all of us. It is biased from top to bottom.
I believe fully in the idea that it is we the people only who have the right to create and remove or reform government.
I do NOT believe in implicit agreement to the social contract, but explicit agreement.
I believe that NO nation in the world has sovereignty or sovereign rights to anything. Sovereignty exists only in the individual. Any sovereignty governments hold can only be consent of individuals.
I believe in a far more important role for governance than political, religious economic and military conquest and it's current role as the enforcement of the will of the 1%.
I believe that role should be in service to the whole and individual rights, liberty, sovereignty, dignity, true justice and stewardship of world resources (rather than the hijacking thereof).
I want to live in a world where a person can live in dignity pursuing a life meaningful to oneself, respectful within reason to others' well being and not like a cornered rat in a squirrel cage laboring to make the wealthy wealthier. Not a slave to the dollar, a religion or dictated way of life.

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