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We are the 99 percent


For Publication October 17, 2011

President Obama (the “change” guy) cautioned the Occupy movement to not “demonize” Wall Street. Why is this clueless guy giving our groundswell advice? If he had something useful to say or do, he might have said or done it during the past three years. For my part, I have stopped listening.

Of course, he cannot fully embrace the “movement.” Reuter’s News reports today that the President “has voiced sympathy with the grievances of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement but has done so cautiously, not least because of his own economic team's ties to the financial industry.” Thank you. I knew that. My home is closer to being lost via foreclosure than ever.

BTW, why can’t (anybody) demonize Wall Street at this point? Demonize: 1. To represent as evil or diabolic; 2. Portray as wicked and threatening.
Prosecution rests.

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