It's time that we seize the moment and put out positive and smart messaging. Choose leaders. Organize.
I believe in Occupy Wall Street I believe in economic equality. I believe in restoring the American Dream for all, not just the few. I believe that paying taxes is patriotic. I believe that we should de-link our 401-K and 403-B retirement accounts from the stock market. We should have complete control of our own retirement accounts to invest however we choose - such as local businesses, local bonds, real estate. As long as Americans retirement funds are tied into corporate profits via the stock market, people will be docile. De-link now! I believe that there should be NO CAP on social security taxes. I believe that investment income and capital gains should be taxed at the same rate (or higher) than payroll taxes. I believe that inheritances over $1 million should be taxed at a 75% rate. I believe that the Glass-Steagall Act should be restored. I believe there should be a constitutional amendment to limit personhood to people, not corporations. Occupy. With intelligence, grit and savvy strategies. Spread the word!
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San Francisco, CA
Nov. 1, 2011
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