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We are the 99 percent


I want to point out that calling this a class war is detrimental. This isn't about class as much as about corruption. Watch the documentary called "inside Job" Matt Damon narates it. It's very clear about Washington being owned by Goldman Saks! Even Obmam. Both parties are in it up to their necks. If they call this a class war it puts down the people who are participating. We're with you. We may be losing our home and we're a middle class white family! Don't let them get by with putting this on racial issues or anything else. The bankers will never see prison or a trial. They have so much money they'll lawyer up and it will cost more billions and years to jput them in jail but regulations need to be put in place or (as most economists are saying) it will happen again. This is an American Problem that impacted the whole world. Don't let Caine and his type diminish what you're trying to do!!!

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