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We are the 99 percent


> End corporate control of our government.
> End corporate person-hood.
>No more private sector job payoffs for Congress members or their staff when they leave public life.
>Corporations should not be allowed to donate to political campaigns, fund political advertisements, or lobby.
> Single-payer health care now.
>Privatization is just another way for corporations to feed at the public's expense.
>Educate our children. Education should be well fully funded.
>We want a jobs bill.
>Tax the rich so they pay a fair share. No one gets rich without using public resources, whether it's education, transportation networks, natural resources, or other public infrastructure. Therefore, it is not right to allow the accumulation of wealth without requiring a high payback. You got there because of resources belonging to all of us.

In this age of electronic eaves dropping and tracking, and global corporate control of resources and governments, we are faced with nothing less than the enslavement of humanity on a global scale.

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