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We are the 99 percent


I have closed out my account with BofA. If everyone closed accounts with BofA, Chase, and WellsFargo, at least checking and debit card, think of the power. It is easy to do, cut up debit card, cash out checking and go to small bank, credit union.....lets begin to support the small businesses that WANT our business. I told the small bank why I came to them. There are no fees. Period. We just became use to being treated
badly and like sheep went along with the BS of charging to hold our money, use our money. Has anyone asked what influence on the banks happens with our opening a checking account...how about how much profit they make off us? Bailed out and they then stick it to us once again...action speaks so much louder than words! Where is a list for all of us to go online and to say, I closed my account and moved, at least checking/debit card? Lets show the world our power in action.

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