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We are the 99 percent


I am a Republican making 6 figures who is self employed. I have made it on my own and am doing well. I am extremely angry and the usurpation of the Repblican party by the far right and the Democratic on the far left. In business compromise is done far more often then competition. These yahoo's in Washington don't seem to have a clue or how to relate to the average American and are more concerned about winning than doing what's right. Over the last three decades the money has gone overseas do to globilization (which in the long term is a good thing) and dispraportionately to the rich. We nee to raise taxes on the wealthy, make cuts in Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, get our fiscal house in order, raise the wage of the average working man. And dare I say it, through out of office the closed minded, idealistic baby bombers from both sides who are not pragmatic and have never sacrificed any a day in there lives. This is not all baby bombers, just the greedy selfish ones of either party.

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