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We are the 99 percent


I am a hard working family man that is sick and tired of being stepped on. I bust my tail all week and spend over 120 hours a week away from home just to help pay the salaries of millionaires and billionaires with every penny I have and can barley afford to put food on the table because of ever increasing inflation.

Every time I turn around the bank has found a new way to charge me a fee (ie: holding a cash deposit for 24 hours in hopes I will bounce something), or inventing a new fee such as a fee for using my bank card as debit instead of credit.

In 2008 I was laid off for lack of work due to the economy. I struggled to find work in any field and finally when I had no where else to turn I filed for unemployment. It took me almost a year to find a job. Once I did, I received a letter from unemployment stating THEY made a mistake somewhere on my original claim and I have to pay back everything I received.

I could go on and on forever on here, but I'd rather get out there with others like me that are sick of it and show them how many of us are done being stepped on and making them rich!

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