american4democracyWhat the United States of America is supposed to be: A. Democratic Gubernamental System Democracy: Establishes plurality in political parties in order to insure that all people have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives.There have been only two parties ruling the United States SINCE 1953 (a total of 173 years of bipartisanship): "the concept of bipartisanship has been criticized as discouraging agreements between more than two parties, thus exercising a tyranny of the majority by forcing voters to side with one of the two largest parties" Capitalism: when the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit, usually in competitive markets. What is currently happening in USA: Monopolies, monopsonies and oligopolies; all situations such that one or a few of the entities have market power and therefore interact with their customers (monopoly), suppliers (monopsony) and the other companies (oligopoly) in a game theoretic manner. Private MessagesMust be logged in to send messages. |
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