Yes they do, if you are an illegal alien, Little Ceasars Pizza will have no problem hiring you. Most of the employees are illegal aliens and if your wondering why you can't get a job and are occupying Wall Street its because corporate companies such as Little Ceasars Pizza hire illegal aliens. Pure and Simple, E-Verify thats our cry!!!! Spread the word, if American citizens are to survive we must Take our Jobs back!!!! Financial aid for illegal aliens???? Can I become an Illegal Alien?? Im a second class citezen to a mexican who used to be a farmer now he works at Little Ceasars Pizza were I should be working. Some say they take jobs no one wants, They are full of it! I would love to work at a Pizza Joint, I can hand toss a pizza, and mexicans cook pizza like quesadillas with rollers(dont get me started on the other fast food joints they screwed up). Its true. Report all illegal activity to I.C.E, I.R.S., or simply call corporate Little Ceasars and ask them why they continue to aid and abed illegal aliens to work in this country illegally.1-800-722-3727. Next time you have little money and buy a pizza that taste like crap because the illegal alien has no idea how to make a pizza and cant even speak english, do what you should have done a long time ago and stand up for your rights take your jobs back! This land is our land!!! My father immigrated legally and has been working as an indepenant contractor for 30 years with no help and does not have his hand out, to my father charity is like breaking the law, unless your are starving. Let an American go to Mexico illegaly and see what would happen. Maybe this is the annexation of the southwestern states from mexico, maybe lazy fat Americans should be dominated since they will not fight for their own livelyhood. They only care about their I-Phone or FaceBook account or Facebook on their Iphone while driving to Starbucks and worry about their 99th week of unemployment approaching.. We are currently facing the first hand effects of the deteriation of society, wich may very well be annexation from Mexico. In 10 years the current legal population will be replaced with Mexicans, simalair to how other small countries have been shut down and replaced with puppets of the 1 percent. The baby boomer generation is twice both gen. x and y. Why is this? Because the rightful owners of this country are being weeded out. Capitalism only works when new players ,poor players begin to contribute as workers "Modern Day Slaves"(pyramid scheme, hence the pyramid on the dollar), you may ask well why weed out and replace certain factions threw abortion and incarceration)? Because a big fish can only eat small fishes, as many self-made millionares are on the rise to name a few Oprah, P-Diddy, Jermaine Dupri, Jay-Z Master P, and a few other sports figures have made their own rise to conglomeritism if such a thing exist, is it called imperialism? Many say some of these corporate giants are kingdoms who fear uprising kingdoms, and pay no tribute to their subjects. Many would say that the U.S. never departed from King Goerge, and the revolution of 1776 was merely a ploy to create second class citizins once again such as peasants, but with a twist. They would give each Peasant or Citizen the idea that they could get ahead threw hard work and persiverance. I fear we are merely subjects of King Corporate America, and are being replaced with peasants from a region that does not resist or will for equality. The Nobel Class is the 1 percent. Occupy Wallstreet, and chant "You won the game of Monopoly and have all the properties, why should we the 99 percent continue to play? "Game Over"
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