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We are the 99 percent


I cant occupy since I live in GA but lets get this nationwide and vote all the players in Congress out and Wall St out of the White House i.e. Summers. Dodd and gramm should be in prison plus a 1,000 more. Lets never stop this from growing and getting the message out to vote out certain people in 2012, a house cleaning in 2012 of BOTH parties. Let this movement LIVE! We have the power, we just need a leader and I believe this is the leader and in the nick of time! Be smart. Be simple. Persevere. Vote them out in each of our states in 2012 and lets get lobbyists and Wall St out! Banks have what 3,000 lobbyists alone? How many congressmen do we have?! Anyway...lets do this American patriots! Let us be a GREAT generation and clean out Washington and clean-up Wall St like Obama promised until they just pushed money his way when it looked like he might win and he backed the F down! Anyway I am with you. Who needs congress when we can all vote on the issues on the internet! Wall St. cant buy all of us! lets get them out of office, and down the road get rid of them altogether and WE the people do the voting on legislation! AND Supreme Court Justices and their terms! I could go on and on...but first things first, 2012 election. We could have a political party soon.....The 99% party. The People's Party. I will be staying tuned....THANKS for this!

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