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Nadine Sabulsky is The Naked Life Coach™ for Individuals, Couples, Families, Polyamory Bonds, Businesses and Groups.

A student of metaphysics since 1985, she has studied Energy, Faith, Quantum Physics, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and the Law of Attraction. As a Naked Life Coach she helps her clients change their patterns to create the reality they want to enjoy in their lives. She offers coaching in person in the Greater Phoenix Metro Area, as well as worldwide through video conferencing, phone, instant messaging & email.

As a writer, she is the Phoenix Metaphysics Columnist for Examiner.com, as well as the author of Living the Naked Life: 10 Ways to Expose Your Unlimited Creation Abilities and a series of companion volumes titled Use It Wisely!

She is the developer of the conceptual basis for Satoria Nation, a rationally comprehensive plan to create a new societal paradigm through eliminating money and using 21st century knowledge and technology to create a logical and sustainable utopia, including the redesign of educational, medical and legal systems, and fully automating the production and delivery of food and goods.

She has been an entrepreneur since 1989, building a variety of businesses including jewelry design, cleaning, graphic design, entertainment, party planning, electronic cigarettes, financial services, software design and education.

Contact Information:

Nadine Sabulsky
Coach: www.TheNakedLifeCoach.com
Author: www.LivingTheNakedLife.com
Visionary: www.SatoriaNation.com
Teacher: www.Meetup.com/NakedLifeCoachingGroup
Columnist: www.examiner.com/metaphysical-spirituality-in-phoenix/nadine-sabulsky

Resume: www.LinkedIn.com/in/NadineSabulsky
Facebook: www.facebook.com/NadineSabulsky
Twitter: www.twitter.com/nakedlifecoach
Referral: www.ReferralKey.com/nakedlifecoach

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