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We are the 99 percent


"When the power of love over comes the love of power, the world will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix

The road to bliss is a process—a process within you, your community, your state, your country and your world. Within each of us is the ability to choose harmony and peace over dissonance and vengeful, fear-based reactions to the circumstances of life. If we choose to follow our hearts and listen to our spirits, we can choose a better way of thinking and acting. We will have an impact and lasting effect on others and the world around us. So if you want to live a blissful life, you have to be the embodiment of bliss and all the universal components that connect you to bliss. Don't just externalize what you want. Make it your essence. You have to become what you seek—be the essence of what you desire. Without fear, just be your amazing self, an embodiment of the facets of bliss.

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