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We are the 99 percent


Since our country is ran by educated idiots that won't compromise to solve any problems, afraid of change, I decided to come up with a job plan that would bring instant results. This change would shrink class sizes, double the the job market, dramatically reduce unemployment and welfare reliance, boost consumer spending, and focus more on quality times with families.

My solution: change the work week to 3 ten hour days instead of 5 or 6 eight hour days and have schools correspond.That is 2 shifts: Monday-Wednesday and Thursday-Saturday while leaving Sunday optional or half days for those whom want extra hours. Shrinking the week would allow both parents to work then have at least three days to spend with the family. For those who are more ambitious, a person could work 2 jobs and not back to back making extremely long days. This gives a family the potential to earn 4 incomes a week!

If schools were to follow the same schedule, as well as longer hours, it would greatly help with the education system. Class sizes would be reduced and there would be more time for individual needs of students. With more time at school we can focus on more athletics and social clubs which boost self esteem and confidence. Also more time for counseling and tutoring, which could act as a gauge for new teachers. Other classes could be added to the curriculum such as conservation, finance, etiquette, healthy lifestyles and group workshops. This also gives children a place to interact with their friends in a supervised environment.

More people with jobs and money would increase consumer spending and boost the economy. Morale would be up and confidence in our system would be restored. The political pollution and bad economy has us loosing focus on what is the most important... the American family. Hoarding money and assets are killing jobs and hurting education, and both of those will ruin America. Run the numbers, I'm sure we can make it work, because what is happening now isn't.


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