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We are the 99 percent




The Northern Pass transmission project is designed to import up to 1,200 megawatts of electric power (from Hydro Québec’s, coal, nuclear, wind, hydro and oil fired facilities) from Canada into the lower New England power grid at two cents per Kilowatt Hour or less.

This massive transmission power line project will cut the State of NH in half, including the White Mountains, with a huge high voltage electric corridor, one that will far surpass any existing corridor in NH to date, with monster towers in excess of 135 feet in height. Years into the planning and permitting stages gives Northeast Utilities a unique opportunity in time to "acquire" over 180 miles of new Right-Of-Way(s) through populated, rural regions of NH, some by Eminent Domain, before the host communities have a chance to consider the potential health, environmental and economic impacts. The Northern Pass / Hydro Québec High Voltage Direct Current Power Line project offers a means to significantly cripple New England’s energy diversity; it will increase the Nations dependency on foreign power and devastate Northern NH’s economy, which is primarily tourism based. This Hydro Québec power line will deliver a supply of electricity at a price that will eliminate any competition and any proposed New England based green energy projects.

99% of informed NH residents are opposed. Many groups have formed throughout NH to fight this plight upon the land.

We need the help of the OWS movement for a march on "Stop The Northern Pass" / "TRASH NORTHERN PASS" Friday, Nov. 25th. email me at info@livefreeorfry.org

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