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We are the 99 percent


I'm pro-White. I oppose the anti-White program of White Genocide.

I love Mexico. When I visit Mexico, I don't want to feel like I'm still in the United States, which more and more I do. In any small and hidden village I stay in there, the men know more about the part of California I live in than I do, because they have illegally lived and worked here!

When I return to the United States, I want to feel like I'm back in the U.S.A. I don't anymore. I feel like I'm still in Mexico!

In other words, I enjoy the diversity in this planet's races and cultures. I understand the theory of evolution and that separation is what has created biological and cultural diversity and is what maintains biological and cultural diversity.

(Do only pro-Whites understand the theory of evolution?)

And I see very clearly that anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

And I hate these stinking predatory banks and the politicians who have been corrupted by their money to let them loot, loot, and loot some more!

It's anti-White and it's pro White-Genocide.

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