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We are the 99 percent


I am a foreclosure defense attorney and have been for seven years. I support EVERYTHING you do. From the foreclosure trenches, I can tell you that the bank and their attorneys do whatever the hell they want and systematically target and injure people through greedy bank tactics and deception.

We truly have gone beyond the point of no return as a credit-based global system. The banks are dead in the center, and only our governments can help us. They however, have too much interest in making sure the system stays based on credit hence, they refuse to hold the banks accountable.

The least they can do is oversight with rules created BY THE PEOPLE! and as for foreclosures, bank foreclosure attorneys should be held accountable for their clients' lies.

Just the way a defendant cannnot make up lies to try and vacate his default in explaining a reasonble excuse for default, and is left at the mercy of the judge to decide wheteher their excuse was indeed reasonble; banks should not be allowed to foreclose upon the houses they decided to shirk the rules of Trusts, the UCC, fail to demonstarate a cause of action to foreclose upon and most importantly because MERS has no authority to pass any interets to these foreclosing Banks!!!!!!!! They are merely nominees.


I support You and am Proud of you ALL

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