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We are the 99 percent


The smartest and most powerful thing that people can do right now to defeat this KLEPTOCRACY where the banks take our money, hoard it to the toon of 2 trillion dollars, refusing to loan it to anyone is to WITHDRAW YOUR MONEY from the banks and join a credit union! They offer EVERYTHING that a bank does--including credit cards and mortgages. Just make sure that it is FDIC insured and it is as safe as it is in a bank. They usually don't have fees like the banks do and mine actually pays interest on my checking account once it gets up to a certain amount. Oftentimes, credit cards have a better interest rate too and they won't be bundling mortgages into derivatives to sell to an investor and screw you. Plus they are much more customer friendly. Mine actually bakes cookies on the premises every Friday for customers. Granted, that isn't significant but it says something about the character of the institution. Trust me on this. Abandon the banks. You can even refinance your mortgage and get a credit card--and use it instead of the bank issued one. SCREW THE BANKS!!!!

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