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We are the 99 percent


I am Amerkanist from #OCCUPYspokane


The protest method conceived and described here wastes banking human resources, IT resources, interferes with banking efficiencies of scale and delays and slows down walk-in counter and walk-up ATM banking services for banking patrons. This system relies on a certain amount of trust and commingled money between participants.

Method of implementation:

[1] Using the absolute minimum amount of money necessary which is approximately $25 each that will be combined for a free checking account, a group of protesters matching the maximum amount of 'signers' on a bank checking account enter the bank with all necessary ID's etc and open a joint bank checking account together. One checking account may possibly equal 4 signers. In some areas, checking accounts may be created online and authorized signers can be handled at the physical bank. Existing bank account holders should consider transferring all but minimal token funds to Credit Unions and adding protester signers to existing accounts. Banks refusing to create account should be logged, aggregated and provided to #OCCUPY legal coordinators for aggressive, actionable legal filings at the appropriate court level.

* Bank Of America Charges $8.95 per month on balances less than $1500 and/or lacking a qualifying

$250 monthly deposit. $50 minimum opening deposit.

* Wells Fargo Charges $7.00 per month period. $100 opening deposit.

* Chase charges $10 per month for non-qualifying accounts in WA. $100 opening deposit required.

[2] Publish the protest bank routing numbers and protest account numbers locally, regionally and nationally using the internet, etc. Interested parties may make contributory deposits to protest accounts. Write a java applet embedded button randomizing retrieval of random bank account from protest bank database info at local, regional and national #OCCUPY web sites for those citizens interested in participating and contributing. Publish the embedded code and button logo for inclusion at #OCCUPY sites.

[3] Local, regional and national #OCCUPYfinance coordinators monitor account activity and overages beyond necessary and rake funds to local, regional and national #OCCUPY movements based on needs and coordinated strategies. #OCCUPYfinance groups identify suspect and rogue accounts in abeyance of principled participation and recommend account information removal from approved protest account lists on #OCCUPY sites.

[4] After the account is established, the protesters get in line to 'bank' with smallish protest signs and all. Perhaps a stylized depiction of a rat parachuting while holding a money bag is one idea that if applied consistently with this protest method using signs and maybe T-Shirts, may convey solidarity and specificity without writing a single word. Perhaps protesters will use their lunch hours to participate in disrupting typical banking rush hours.

[5] One protester withdraws a token amount of cash, perhaps 4 cents and walks back and gives it to the next protester in line. The 'next' protester deposits said 4 cents back into the protest groups account.

[6] The 'next' signatory protestor on the account makes another 4 cent withdrawal, ad nauseum at least to the participants and certainly, to the banks, ad infinitum.

[7] The protestors wear their game face, are absolutely quiet, courteous, determined, non-plussed, preferably absolutely silent and do not irritate, confront or interfere with the rightful business of other banking patrons. (other than delaying them and maybe making them consider banking elsewhere..)

[8] The protestors refuse to leave the banks and abandon their collective and legitimate banking transactions once the impact of this protest operation is sensed and acted upon by banking management. Arrests may follow. Legally actionable motions will follow via #OCCUPY legal team and National Lawyers Guild.

[9] The provided ATM cards can be used by other (highly trusted) protesters to form lines at ATM's to check balances repeatedly and deny and delay other Bank of America, Well Fargo, Chase, etc customers convenient access to banking resources. Participants log when banks close their ATMS for 'service' and count how many customers are denied access to ATM's. Results are published locally and then nationally with a national roll up count to indicate aggregate status of the transaction counts.

[10] The free paper checkbooks provided at account inception may be used to write 1 cent checks to other protest checking accounts and maintain churn as well as a viable account balances for awhile.

[11] The online payment feature, if applicable, may be used to set up minimal funds transfers between accounts such that all accounts remain flush during churning.

[12] If the protestors are arrested, the media opportunity potential may be very useful for the #OCCUPIERS.

[13] 99% of banking staffers may be relieved with the job security #OCCUPY provides.

[14] The described banking system attack approach is functionally similar to what #anonymous calls DDoS, ICMP floods and smurf amplification although utilizing people rather than packets as the attack medium.

In closing, the thought occurs that one signer on all #OCCUPY bank accounts at the local regional or national level could be the (a?) local, regional or national #OCCUPY CPA or another exceedingly well trusted protester to ride herd on a multiplicity of accounts. The risk to such individual(s) is obvious.

Grace and peace,


'Spark a revolution tonight - You'll feel better in the morning'


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