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Forum Post: Zucotti Park Orgy and Sex Fest Photoshoot Today @ 4:30

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 10:39 a.m. EST by HughHefner (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Bring plenty of condoms and antibiotics if you want to have fun. If you lost your job due to Wall Street greed or corporate outsourcing and are not able to buy condoms then please do not worry. Under the current system you will find much benefit from using no condoms. Producing illegitimate children ensures you can qualify for Medicare and Medicaid which are the free "GOLD STANDARD's" of healthcare. Only then you will have healthcare. Maybe you can turn a profit if you are able to qualify for Social Security when your children get diagnosed with ADD. Maybe congress should get rid of the Capital Gains Tax Breaks to help pay for the LifeStyle.



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