Forum Post: Zuccotti Park Occupier Smoking a Bong on two page spread in NY POST! This may and can be a reason to eject the Protesters
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 1:32 p.m. EST by tesn1
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
On the bottom left side of the two page spread TODAY in the Post you will clearly see a Protester surrounded by tents smoking a Bong, or very long pipe (3ft or more).
Mayor Bloomberg inhaled!
And enjoyed it!
Maybe he'll change his mind about the occupation now.
It wouldn't matter if you ejected protesters now, the Global movement is underway. We are #occupying everything.
Need help making a t-shirt. We need to draw a picture of Zooccotti Park with a cage around it. Here are some ideas: Draw a hippie climbing the cage like a monkey and throwing shit.
Draw a hippie rolling in mud and shit like a pig.
Draw a hippies fucking like dogs.
Draw a picture of a hippie eating peanuts like a big fucking elephant. Draw a hippie as a lazy fucking Ape doing nothing.
Need help in making a t-shirt:
Draw a picture of the Franklin Coverup with conservatives inside raping children.
Draw a picture of Ted Haggard as the religious adviser to GW Bush while doing lines of meth off of a gay hookers ass.
Draw a picture of you with your tongue buried in Sean Hannity's asshole.
Lol! I agree
Feel the love from the peace movement.
Oh, so it's ok for you to talk trash, but when you get a taste of your own medicine, you go yelping that I'm not sticking to my principles. This isn't a Peace movement. It's a peaceful protest against government corruption. Trust me, I'm not peaceful if people piss me off. I own guns and I study jiu-jitsu. There are a lot more like me than you think.
Psycho freak.
Play with your tities
Who cares? 1/2 of all Americans support legalization.
NYPD does
And who cares what the NYPD thinks?
So what, the people own the police. We supply them with the money that keeps them in jobs.
legalize all flowers,. this may and can be a reason to end the war on plants.
We know what the problem is, let us fix it and move forward together.
When you look at a republican or democrat, congress or FDA official, Judges and Justice Department you see criminals.
Our corruption dates back decades to when those who in trying to preserve slavery had to find new ways to preserve it and so created an advanced form of slavery.
only two components were required -- the illusion of freedom and choice and the taking away of the freedom to live off the land.
How else would you get a person to submit themselves to mind numbing or degrading work unless you oppress them into it.
our current system is rooted in corruption and every attempt in preserving it involves manipulating human thought and turning people against one another.
In America the population has been transformed in two major voting groups but they only have one choice.
They had been distracted up until now with television and American culture which prospered through the oppression of other nations.
Americans allowed themselves to be fooled into using their military and economic dominance to seize resources of other nations and create expanding markets for American profiteers.
Now that technology, competition and conscience have evolved Americans themselves are realizing that they cannot sustain themselves under their current system of government.
Our government officials have allowed private profits and personal benefits to influence decisions that affect the health and well-being of people all over the planet, not just in America... how much longer will we allow them to rule over us??
Occupy Washington and demand that all government officials resign their posts.
We will setup new online elections with a verification system that will allow us to see our votes after we cast them, put our new officials in office and work toward rebuilding our country and our world.
Cool... If they eject protesters twice as many will show up the next day
Have those laid-off employees from the Milk Cafe found new jobs yet? If not, they're losers....
who knows
The person that is smoking a bong is displaying a protest against the war on drugs.
OWS is creating problems and trying to upset a country founded on capitalism. in every society there are classes no matter what kind of society it is, communist, capitalist, fascist, whatever. There will always be a high, middle, and low class, you cannot change that. There is no way for a country to work the way it should with everyone on the same playing field. it just is not possible. so to all you OWS people out there, your cause might be just in your mind and sound good on paper but in the real world, it is not possible. You are just creating a stage on which you make noise and yell at the government that allows you to protest and try to destroy the country that gave you the rights to try and destroy it. be thankful you live in a country as good as this one, or go to Somalia or Iraq or North Korea and try to protest there about big business and see how it goes.....
Ummmm...blow me.
how intelligent....
no problem, any day, just next time if you disagree, it would come off better if you didnt just insult the person
I only insult people whose attitude is, "You can't change anything, ever, so don't even try--stop making waves and just accept the crumbs that the more powerful throw to you." Do you understand why "Blow me" might be an appropriate response to an attitude like that? Do you understand how pathetic that attitude is?
it s not pathetic, it is what is real, you people are just creating a bigger mess does not help the country with you trying to change an entire nation to a system that is not possible.
So it's OK for a corrupt mob to buy the president, congress and other branches of government, make a mockery of "of the people, by the people, for the people", and in the process create a worldwide economic meltdown? Is that what you advocate? Because that's what's going on. Are you for it or against it?
I am for America, we are not perfect but we are the best country on the face the earth. besides i am not saying that the system is the absolute best, but you people are trying to tear down the greatest nation and replace it with some hippie perfect utopia where everyone is equal in all ways possible, which will not work
"but you people are trying to tear down the greatest nation and replace it..."
Since when? Where'd you get that line? OWS can't replace anything. This is a national debate, and people are finding ways to voice their opinions.
a national debate where people light fires and riot in the streets, that is some "debate"" you have there. And i am sure that there is another way to "voice opinions" other than shutting down a major port and not allowing the US to gain some are halting the country you supposedly love...
There were a lot of British loyalists who said the same thing when a bunch of colonial terrorists dressed up as natives, broke into one of the king's ships, and threw the king's tea overboard. Those terrorists as we all know became our "founding fathers". Violence itself will never accomplish anything, but sometimes extreme tyranny causes extreme reactions, and in the process gets everybody's attention.
"extreme tyranny" ? this country has the most freedom of any country in the world and thanks to that "extreme tyranny" you hve been able to do your little protest...
I think you're confused about what the protest is about. It's not anti-America. It's not anti-freedom. The protest is against crooks, liars, cheaters and stealers in the financial services industry who have bought the president and congress, and who are using illegal financial instruments to create a global economic meltdown. If you love America you'd surely be against these powerful criminals taking over everything? Tyranny can take many forms.
"Powerful criminals" they definitely not perfect but they are surly not criminals. they aer leading our country to the "best" end possible....granted they are not doing a very good job but they are trying.....
Goldman Sachs' Rajat K. Gupta is not a criminal? The DOJ would beg to differ. He'll have his day ion court for all the "good" he's done this great country. And then we can only hope that the DOJ will live up to their name and go after every other Wall Street crook AS WELL as the crooked politicians in their pockets. How could you want anything different, unless you're a Wall Street crook yourself.
I NEVER said that poloticians are non-liars or that wall street is a place honesty...that part is ok with me....but th trying to change the american ideals is completely bogus
he doesnt run the country, our politicians run the country,
Oh no, he's smoking an unprocessed plant plucked straight from the earth? That should be illegal.
Not to mention the NY Post has as much credibility as the National Enquirer.
Only marijuana can be smoked out of a bong?
Drug items can be a reason to search, a bong is such an item
A bong is only paraphernalia if it has been used to smoke illegal substances, so you're wrong.
Do you have this picture? The one on the website is too small to make anything out of it.
Ask Tommy Chong about the legal implications of bongs.
Ask Mayor Bloomberg about "inhaling & enjoying it".
Pass the bong to El Bloombito! Don't bogart those hits.
Drug items can be a reason to search, a bong is such an item
buy the paper! yes I do
I don't buy gossip papers, in fact I don't buy papers besides WSJ.
So you make claims without proof, fascinating.
The photo is quite obvious
So take a picture of it and post it on here....
ok i will
I'll wait patiently.
the drug wars have divided the population against itself
But they will give the NYPD a reason to shut down the park
if the people support the division
at least it's not a picture of someone shitting in a bucket after dumping a quart of piss on someone's lawn.
At least it's not a picture of a tassel-loafered Wharton grad screwing his girlfriend at lunchtime while his wife takes care of their two kids in New Canaan...
hey, that could be a hot pic
That's true...
at least its not a picture of a ron p supporter with a assault rifle doing heroin with a man dressed up like che
There are no "lawns" in Manhattan, not-so-smartguy.
oh god more propaganda for the mainstream media to dig there teeth into
The problem is instead of it being rumor there is physical proof!
I know but you know how the media is. They are gonna try and generalize all of us over this
Yes they will
Don't give them a reason to eject anyone or everyone from the park!