Forum Post: You've heard of MADD. Let's start RAPP.
Posted 12 years ago on June 22, 2012, 5:33 p.m. EST by Underdog
from Clermont, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
You've heard of MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving).
Let's start RAPP (Republicans Are Psychopathic Predators)
Let's start with the definitions of Psychopath and Predator
American Heritage Dictionary defines psychopath as
psy-cho-path - n. A person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse. defines predator as
Predator [pred' -uh -ter (-tawr)] 1. Zool. any organism that exists by preying on other organisms. 2. A predatory person
Let's apply the "duck test" to see if RAPP. The duck test is indicated below from Wikipedia:
“If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.”
The test implies that a person can identify an unknown subject by observing that subject's habitual characteristics. It is sometimes used to counter abstruse arguments that something is not what it appears to be.
So the above implies that if the Republican habitual characteristics can be observed to be that of both psychopathic characteristics and predatory characteristics, then we can deduce that RAPP is a truthful description of Republicans in general (though certainly not all cases in particular).
The below series of links seeks to provide viewpoints in support of RAPP. Obviously those in the GOP will disagree.
Draw your own conclusions.
one can appreciate the research. But do not waste your time. They may be psychopaths, but they are very highly motivated and therefore very dangerous. after Obama was voted in, you went to sleep and those psychopaths raided every town hall and threatened every politician who would pass the healthcare bill. If Romney gets in, this movement is finished. Think about that.
If Romney gets in then I fear more than this movement is finished.
He won't. Obama is the perfect poster boy for the MIC/Banking Cartel.
Nothing is more psychopathetic than bombing 6 nations in 3 years, while building 3 more military bases in Africa.
'Future Supreme Court Nominations' are something that All Americans should bear in mind and seriously consider, come November given that these judges may be the last defence against such 'The Psychopathy' alluded to in this 'forum-post'. Further, please see :
respice ; adspice ; prospice ...
Thanks for providing that shadz. The really sad and highly disturbing fact about this is that those of us who are old enough to put this into context of our living memory can clearly see that the forces of evil don't even try/bother to hide these types of things anymore. They know that the vast majority are so beaten down that they lack the energy to do anything about these outrageous acts. Believe you me, there was a time when they could not have gotten away with this because public outrage would not have stood for it.
But no more.
I was hoping it was “Republicans Against Political Parties”
Oh, I guess we could change it to that if you like, but I was going for the underlying pathology rather than politics, because the 1st leads to the 2nd, not vice versa.
At their core, they are sick.
And these people (most of them anyway) run the world.
The Illuminati makes "sense" now.
It was just a dig on the classic troll tactic, sure you got that, I really like “The Illuminati” series always made certain sense, as does Orwell, as we see in religious text the truth does not have to come from a literal accounting, but can also be found in the myths we tell.