Forum Post: You're not getting our money so go home!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 9:59 a.m. EST by WallStreetRep1357
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
No matter how many days you little piss ants hang out and complain you will not achieve your objective. You are not getting our money! GO AWAY!
Hey WallStreetRep, I put the word out I can send 100 people to North Korea, but I do not have any takers. They will have fairness there.
Sure we will.
there is no money, hasn't been since 1964
there is no money, hasn't been since 1964
obama must go.... Elect a real President
As I said before, this 'protest' has no correlation with anybody actually at wall street or any other company around the nation. Business is getting ran as usual. The protestors have NO power to change anything; they are just there assembling, complaining about there current situation. They are completely removed from those who have power. Get my drift? No? Well keep protesting, it won't be warm much longer and winter is usually pretty cold up here in the northern part of the country.
Looks like you haven´t wokenup yet mate. Well I think you good get one more wintersleep. Good luck with your future. BTW correlation is getting bigger (CNN Businessnews start his page with info on occupy wallstreet lol)
Your reply consisted of more gibberish than substance. But thanks for trying.