Forum Post: You're In the WRONG Place!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 12:09 a.m. EST by Eisenhower
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Isn't the government the one who makes the rules and regulations that "govern" Wall Street??? Or even forced Wall Street to make "risky loans"... That caused the colapse of our economy... or to be more specific... lawyer obama suing 17 banks (google it), including Citibank, because they were not making risky loans... Of course he (obama) said it had nothing to do with the fact that they didn't have any credit... it was all "racial discrimination!" So now You answer the question... Where should the protestors be? Wall Street? Times Square? Kmart? How about going to where the fire is? How about going to where the rules and regulations are being made? How about going to where any "CHANGE" that is going to take place, is going to happen? How about going to the place where for the first THREE years of his reign, obama has been "president", the Senate has been democrat, and the House has been democrat? Wow... What a problem! We have a small group of people, who have obama as their hero, so they can't very well protest the government - as their hero is the acting leader of the government.... Why not go to Wall Street! Nothing can be done there, but hey... it sure looks cool!
Why do people keep saying "you're in the wrong place"? We need to be in all the places!
By the way, we're in DC too. Haven't you heard of Occupy DC?
Uh there is occupy in dc???
You want to get the paid influence of Wall Street under control, then cut off the supply of influence for sale in Washington D.C.
Limited government equals limited corporate corruption.
Big government equals big corruption. Big government makes for small citizens. Big government and big business will always partner up against the little guy.
You want to fix the problem on Wall Street? Get DC out of the influence business.
The large financial institutions on wall street control our politicians - obama included. Why go for the puppets when you know who the puppet master is? If the congress and president had any real power (or integrity) they would not consistently vote for measures that benefit the big money interests at the expense of the citizens.
Because wall street is only obligated to represent it's shareholders. Our government is supposed to represent all of us.
'supposed to' ... but they don't .