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Forum Post: Your vote will not be counted: what is 'over-voting'?

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 7, 2011, 12:54 p.m. EST by PatriotSon01 (157)
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Yesterday, I heard a report on the news that up to 100,000 NY voters will not have their votes counted if they 'over-vote' when using the voting machines that have pull levers? WTF? Over-voting? You mean, if you vote for more people than the establishment has on the ballot, your vote will be disqualified? Is this yet another means of making sure the 'proper' party members get elected to office? Is this yet another example of voting abuses? Somebody explain to me and express your opinion on the subject?



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[-] 1 points by 99time (95) 13 years ago

First, I thought all the lever machines were gone in 2010. Second, I am not sure how you can overvote on one.

OVERVOTING is where the machine detects more than one candidate or party chosen in a single race.

UNDERVOTING is where there is no vote detected.

We should be informed by the machine at the time of voting in these cases.

This year, when I voted on the new scannable forms, I abstained from about half of the elections. My scan sheet went through the machine and, apparently, it did not notice the missing votes.

Sure, I deliberately chose not to vote in certain races -- especially uncontested ones -- but the verification process had nothing to say about it.

Should it not have tallied how many votes were accepted and warned me that I missed a few?

What DID it verify?

[-] 1 points by PatriotSon01 (157) 13 years ago

That you didn't vote for the 'electable officials'? Like a corporation that keeps the out-of-date desks, computers and chairs around, to save a few bucks... why would the establishment get rid of the machines if they work 'fine' (irony)? I've also heard of a law quietly passed in Congress, if you don't show up with your State ID, you don't vote... Why can a lobbyist, (one individual), bribe, grease the palm or gift a senator and offset the wishes of the mass of voters that elected him/ her to office?