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Forum Post: Your vision of the world is yours, but its not mine...please dont force it upon me...

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 9:57 p.m. EST by thomasmiller (163)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Many have stated here this is "peaceful". Then if its peaceful, why try to force this down upon me. Why block my work, why occupy a space where you only bother private citizens (not CEOS or politicians)...

If you are going to protest, then protest and effect the right people. If you are bothering private people and small businesses who dont want to be bothered, then you will make them angry and your cause will not move forward.



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[-] 1 points by Democracydriven (658) 13 years ago

I feel that the majority of the people opinionating in this site are only here to tear down the movement

It has been well stated by them that the OWS has not declared what they want (the opposition just knows it opposes, not why?)

My question to them is what are you afraid of? I have seen all kinds of imaginary (non -existent) villains be spoken against. I have seen the imaginary overthrow of our government spoken against. (yet nobody advocates any of the scenarios that are spoken against)

There is now talk about people defending themselves against OWS, yet there have been no threats to anybody from OWS

The bottom line

Not stating what the OWS wants is their biggest organizing tool. It is the fuel that is building the movement. It is revealing an opposition that will “make up things to be against”.

The collective opposition (some do know what it is about) is saying far more about their own imagined fear of the eventual success of OWS than anything else

[-] 1 points by Faithntruth (997) 13 years ago

My vision of the world is one in which even wealthy and powerful criminals face the same justice as the poorest homeless. It is one in which my representatives work for the good of the nation as a whole and not just the guy who promises them a six figure job. It is one where the neighboorhood store can compete with walmart because walmart has to pay their taxes.

According to their own annual report available online, walmart witholds so much of their taxes while they argue with the irs that they earn over $2 hundred million in interest on the money while paying only $2 million in penalties for doing so.

Who is really hurting your business?

[-] 0 points by seaglass (671) from Brigantine, NJ 13 years ago

So sorry. We'll get your permission next time ok?