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Forum Post: Your tactics are flawed,

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 1:36 a.m. EST by smarterthanyou (5)
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You people are fools. The people that make the laws are the people that have the money.The reason for this is money is power.Short of taking up arms, having another civil war, and overthrowing parliament the only thing you're going to accomplish is being a soon to be forgotten nuisance. If you truly want change you'll need to become part of the governing body that makes the rules.Follow the rules to change the rules.Forget the moral implications and the abhorrent consequences of what happened following but read up on how a certain political party took power in Germany Pre-WWII. A drunken man in a tavern convinced a group of people to elect him into government and history tells the rest. My point is if you want change use the system against itself, follow the rules, do the time, but do it as a nation, not as a mob.



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