Forum Post: Your Squatting , plain and simple.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 6:06 p.m. EST by angelofmercy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Your Squatting in a Private Park ! How else do I or anyone else need to explain this to you people. You do not have the right to make yourself at home on someone else's property with out their consent.
I am amazed that the owner , or even the city has put up with your behavior for this long. If someone came and just made themselves at home in YOUR home , or even on your front lawn without asking. You wouldn't like it . SO stop doing this crap to other people.
Go home , and grow up ! You have had your 15 mins.
p.s. - "You're"
I was JUST going to say that. I wonder if there's a statistical relationship between being a debt-slave who carries water for the oligarchy and inability to use basic grammar?
There definitely appears to be.
Correlation or causation? Or is it just a chicken/egg thing?
Well, or the inability to speak in general. Look, go back to Bush I (the book Bushisms was popular for a while). His vice president Dan Quayle struggled to form basic sentences. Then Bush I's silver-spooned spawn continued the great tradition of "speechifying" with phrases like "America is where wings take dream, a place where you can put food on your family." WTF.
And have you ever tried to parse a Bachmann monologue? Wow. Nouns, verbs, adjectives all bouncing into each other like ping pong balls.
But hey, it's about what's in the heart and gut, right? Besides, wordage is confusatory!
I feel like sounding as douchey as possible doesn't really help get your point across. In fact, the point of communication is to state what you have to say as simply as consicely as possible. In that spirit... speaking like a pretentious idiot does not endear you to me. Pointing out a typo and using that minor detail to invalidate an opinion makes you an incredible douche bag. It doesn't take an intelligent person to speak properly. It does, however, take an intelligent person to maturely enter a debate. Help the cause, don't hinder it.
Yeah, I'm not looking to endear myself to you. But you ignore the main issue of this sub-thread. Right wingers are some of the least articulate people in the political process--period. I mentioned some examples.
Help the cause don't hinder it; fair enough. Here's a tip: try not to use the word "douche" too much when you're attacking people. Try to use your ideas. That's what the big kids do....
Curlyq is right, you have no actual response to the OP's argument, so you combat him with trivial grammar mistakes. I'm sure you have never made a single grammatical error in your life. In addition, to make such a generalized and stereotypical comment as "Right wingers are some of the least articulate people in the political process--period." is simply ignorant. The only argument you have against the Right is that they make the occasional grammatical mistake. I have but one question, have you ever addressed 300 million people on live television? I assume not. The nerves associated with such a thing must be incredible, and it is completely understandable to occasionally stumble over your words. Now I predict your argument will be "Obama doesn't make grammatical errors!" My response is two-fold. One, he most certainly does. I do not care to take the time to look up a transcript of his speeches and analyze for the singular purpose of informing you of your ignorance, but I'm sure if you were to look at any one of his speeches he would have multiple errors. Now, the second part of my response, if eloquence and grammar are the most important characteristics for a president, then we should start electing grammar teachers as president. I'm sure that would turn out well. PS "Help the cause don't hinder it; fair enough." Is not a grammatically correct sentence.
Well, look, I'm not the one who attacked the grammar of this post initially, but I did comment on conservative candidates' notorious inability to speak in clear sentences. You don't like that, fine. I was making a point.
Both you, and curlyq are entitled to your opinion.
You want to debate the issues, I'm willing. You think the only argument I have with the right is their grammar? Go to my blog and enjoy:
There, you'll find my arguments. That's not what I was doing on this thread. I made a couple of comments about the inability of the right's leaders to speak clearly and cogently. I think that's a justified view. The rest is your assumption and is illogical--and irrelevant. And btw, I don't think that they're inability to speak clearly has much to do with being on "TV," as much as it represents inherently addled thought processes. That's my view. I'm entitled to it--and frankly, I think the facts bear me out.
But thanks for the feedback.
Fair enough, and I respect you for your ability to have a coherent debate with turning to profanity and "shut up I don't want to talk about it." It seems most posters on this forum do not possess those skills.
Cheers, and thanks for that. I respect your views--most people's views, even if I don't agree with them. I can' say the same for curlyq, however. He loves to use ad hominem attacks to make his points, over and over, and his favorite word is "douche." Wonderful.
But hey, I'm up for debating any and all differences and similarities--w/ the possible exception of personal attacks.
BTW, so the original poster made a mistake--no biggie. I never even commented on it! :D
Finally! Someone who understands the word "debate."
And you overlook the point of my response... harping on grammar and typographical errors and using them to validate your own argument is incredibly douchey. You're really not helping your douchebaggery. You're right though... I'll invent a new word... "yourestilladouche". There we go, I exercised my freedom of speech to come up with my own idea. Thus, you're really not helping your yourestilladouch-ery. Look, I wouldn't bring it up if this movement wasn't already getting ridiculed enough for it's lack oif organization. Now you're adding your typical internet "intellecualism" (note the sarcasm) to people's already iffy opinions about this. The OP clearly has a strong opinion about the park occupation, and you are doing nothing to contest it... you're just reaffirming their negative opinion about the protestors. ...Uh oh, I misspelled intellectualism... is my argument invalid?
I understand this point but I'm sorry - "Your" and "You're" is a full-on grammatical error; the poster does not understand the difference between subject/verb and possessive pronoun, and the fact that he makes this mistake in the headline is really egregious for people who love the English language and prefer to see it used correctly. Yes, I could be called an intellectual elitist, but the sloppiness in logic is reflected in the sloppiness in grammar and taken together it indicates a poster who does not consider his or her ideas carefully; if he had thought his ideas out more carefully, he would be more careful to present them properly. Also, a person who spews pointless hate disguised as a logical argument and similarly can't write well in English - it's just indicative of a brutalized personality, a person who doesn't read much or think carefully but just hates for bad reasons. Last but not least, the fact that this person's education seems lacking should prove that it is VERY unlikely that he or she is in the top 1% or even 10% of earners; thus, he really is carrying water for the oligarchy; he functions as a foot soldier for brutal fascists. So I find it hard to take this person seriously; he kisses the boot of his brutalizer.
On one hand, it's important to realize that many such people are brainwashed and driven to brutal hate and fear by a lying media machine that generally glorifies the aggressor and blames the victim, thus we should pity them and perhaps even put up with them. But the hatred this person holds in their heart - I don't think it's curable. It will likely withstand all logic or appeals to higher human qualities. It is hate, feeds on hate and spews hate, and it does it in bad grammar, which just makes it 10 times as obnoxious.
Wow. I tell you what, just figure out as many ways to say "douche" as possible. That should really boost the logic and cogency of your argument. I wasn't "harping on grammar and typographical errors." Re-read my comment. I made a point about the leaders of the right and their inability to speak clearly and coherently. Two completely different things.
And let me ask a pointed question here:
Are you the abiter of "the movement"? Are you in charge on this board? Because if so, my snarky comment about Bush, Quayle, et al (which, btw, is accurate) is so incredibly minor by comparison. In fact, if you want to wield a big arrogant verbal and moral club, why not head over to this thread, where there's someone actually threatening bodily harm and expressing gay-bashing hatred:
So, you seem confused: Part of your comment wants to call me names, and they are zingers! -- so pwned here. Part of your comment wants to explain why you have to "come down hard on me."
LOL. Either way, you're comment is so much less cogent than the original poster of this thread, who at least isn't trying to be so pedantic. That's something you've really developed into an artform in a very short few sentences. Cheers.
You're worried that I'll chase people away. That's fine. But you should be worried about all the supporters who are actually trying to work with people on this board to figure out common ground. I don't know about you, but that's what I've been doing for days, and it's a fucking thankless job, thank you very much.
Chrissakes. Find something more useful to aim your spite gun at.
Oh, and yes, about your argument. What argument is that? You were stumbling over so many competing themes, hard to know what your argument is...
Grammar and typographical errors are two different things. One points not only to poor education but also a lack of critical thinking - not noticing that you're doing it wrong from reading the well-written and well-considered thoughts of others, for example. Grammatical errors say a lot about the poster and degrade the quality of the dialogue as a whole. It's alright to recognize uninformed ideas and ignorant people, and take their opinions with a grain of salt. Those claiming not to judge based on such "trivialities" are doing the whole a disservice, and lying to themselves. We should have expectations for ourselves as the body politic. We are developing the next generation of leaders here. In my pretentious opinion, of course.
Astute observation, I like the way you think.
My bad , let me fix it for you. Your asses are Squatting in a Private Park !
Better Grammar Nazi ?
Actually, no. Still messed up. You're dumb.
Thank you, saved me the trouble. :-)
The US was founded by squatters.
Does this jerk ask permission before he enters a public park? There are no private parks in NYC. This person is an asshole, plain and simple.
Please erase this ridiculous post.
Privately Owned Park, Open to the Public, May Make Its Own Rules
Blah blah blah. People are occupying a public setting not private homes.
"Your" stupid, learn how to spell and use punctuation correctly and then fuck off.
ohohoho a squatter mad that someone is squatting on his squat
Oh no. Hey guys, we're sitting on some corporation's lawn! His children want to play football but they can't! Poor corporation!
"You do not have the right to make yourself at home on someone else's property without their consent."
What an ironic comment coming on the heels of Columbus Day. I wonder if a Cherokee, a Hawaiian, a Nicaraguan, an Iraqi, etc. said this to you, how would you respond?
With all due respect, perhaps you should look into the history of colonialism, imperialism, war, and the the institution of private property itself.
Hold on, so you guys are colonizing Wall Street? I'm pretty that falls under treason, a federal crime. Hell, you could even get the death penalty for that!
To be fair I guess you should all see the complains against you. Read it for yourself from the owner of the park.
Additionally, we have received hundreds of phone calls and e-mails from concerned citizens and office workers in the neighborhood. Complaints range from outrage over numerous laws being broken including but not limited to lewdness, groping, drinking and drug use, to the lack of safe access to and usage of the Park, to ongoing noise at all hours, to unsanitary conditions and to offensive odors. We have received complaints of harassment, one woman stating that she was verbally abused in front of her 5-year-old child and complaining that she had a package stolen from her as she tried to cross the Park.
We are also concerned with the constant deliveries of materials to the Park. Delivery vehicles have now been appearing on a daily basis with packages of all shapes and sizes for the Park’s occupants. None of these deliveries are being screened by our security team or the police for suspicious or harmful materials. The Park’s location in the financial district makes this activity particularly concerning.
I can post some other links that show the occupiers have community support.
City council members, the local community board....
And anyway: This is a protest, not a permitted picnic.
Sorry for the inconvenience. But this is the only other voice we have in this country.
Dear Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly,
Wait...let me see if I get this straight? A small groups of special interests has taken our country HOSTAGE..and you feel that the high-strung sensibilities of a few muckety mucks who are offended by noise, offensive odors and a little groping takes precedence over taking our nation back? Really?
Sounds to me, like you're choosing to listen to the law makers who sign your checks...over the people who elected those lawmakers..and who fund those checks. Sounds like you're just "doing your job." That's not always an excuse, you know.
Good luck explaining yourself come the aftermath of the Revolution,
Dear god, stop making yourselves out to be some kind of revolutionaries. You are simply lazy, irresponsible people, who want to blame someone else for your problems.
I work 6 days a week, get 4 hours of sleep a night and have for almost a year trying to build our business. (They call us the best chocolate in Michigan, come on by for a free sample!) What you are spouting is the brainwashing that you've been taught since you first started putting dollars before your fellow citizens. This is not a football game. This is our society.
People are not lazy because they want the corruption out of our political process. They are Americans because they DEMAND that corruption be removed from our political process.
R. Dafremen General Manager and Lord High Commander of Brownie On A Stick Mt. Clemens, MI
When serfs complained against kings, were they lazy? When slaves complained against their masters, were they blaming someone else for their problems? Cant you see how the 1% use our work to build a military industrial machine that destroys lives across the world against the will of the people and how this means we are slaves? How financial cartels implement austerity measures against the will of the people makes us serfs tontheir debt?
I agree that you can only help you. That it is an individual's responsibility to take responsibility for their lives. But when someone else is forcing you to behave in a way that is against your free will; i.e. my taxes going to support wars against brown people for corporate interest and financial market bailouts, I am no longer free. And fascism has began to rear it's ugly head.
Every couple if generations it is up to the people to stop fascism. Our grandparents did it. Our forefathers did it. That is our struggle if we want to e free. Freedom is nt free. We have to fight tyranny for it.
So, stop being lazy. Stop blaming us for why you not want to go up against tyranny. Maybe you are afraid if a world where you have free-will. Maybe you think you are free. Maybe you are just a coward?
Governments have to tax people... unless you are an anarchist, which is your right, but then I would ask that you describe one functioning anarchist society in history. Taxes are a necessary evil. As for the war, just because you do not support it doesn't mean the country doesn't. Actually, the country obviously does (or did in 2002-3) because it was voted on by representatives duly elected by THE PEOPLE. And please, please don't compare yourselves to slaves or serfs. You can move to Canada, or Mexico, or any of the other 193 countries on Earth. Nobody is forcing you to stay here. Also, "military industrial machine?' I don't even know what that means. There is no grand conspiracy of corporations trying to "put down the little guy."
Military-industrial-complex: where industry and economy off of government military spending leading to a perpetual military economy that grows do wealth creation from first building of the weeps, to implementation of weapons to create more demand for weapons, then reconstruction if areas affected by the use of weapons.
So a corporation did not rent an island, set up factories, import workers, pay them only enough to survive to work for the factory, force them to work in substandard conditions, and not pay any taxes because the island was there's? All of this with support from the US government? I guess that is not a case of a corporation putting down the little guy.
I have no problem with taxes. I have a problem with having no say in where my taxes go. Remember the mantra: 'no taxation without representation?' Obama was elected to office to decelerate the war. We got the opposite. The American people were overwhelming against bank bailouts. Yet that is what our government did. That is taxation without representation.
When corporations work in colusion with the government to maintain monopolies is the definition of fascism. That is what is going on today. I am for free markets where main street thrives. One of the main tenants of Adam Smith is that for free markets to work, governments must work against the tendency of markets to create monopolies, otherwise leading to tyranny.
What part of this do you not see today? Small business owners can not compete because a) they do not have the economy of scale as a multinational, global corporation, b) taxes and regulations force small businesses to spend more resources on covering these cost than multinational, global corporations because they usually do not pay taxes do to either Free Trade laws in acted by the WTO, or by "shopping" for a job market where they set up shop in the community that agrees to give them unfair tax advantages for the jobs they promise to create.
Ad all of this is prequeled by the debt we all inherit from the government, that has to stagnate wages (therefore devaluing 'work') and raising the cost of limit (due to the extra federal reserve notes in circulation to cover debt that is systematically designed to never be paid off.
The choose is really between doing nothing and continuing to live in this paradigm, or, as you suggest, finding a job and doing something about it. The people committed to this movement are working. There job is to repressent our interest against croni-capitalism so those of us, for our own reasons, can't. This is not laziness. This is actually the hard working, American spirit that we are all so proud of.
Actually it is bylawed and zoned for public use 24/7
Even those privately owned public spaces that do not have curfews may still impose “reasonable” rules regarding behavior
not is the law for this particular park. Just listened to a lawyer from the lawyers guild of New York.
OWS will not succeed unless the people who represent the movement start conducting themselves like professionals. Stop using fowl language, dress and talk like professionals.
Not black vs white Not Left vs Right Lets unite to fight! We need to focus the fight against Wallstreet, the and the lobby system, and the 1% wealthy controlling our country
I have gotten some of my friends and family behind this movement only to loose them again. I lost them because they were turned off by the fowl language.
Real fitting name you got there.
Yea, "it" is probably one of the people who clapped for "A 30 yr old is ill and has no insurance, should we just let him die" during the debate on CNN.
Greed is the new mercy in their world.
Google it
I know what it means... I also know you don't fit it's meaning. Maybe one day we will cross paths.
Free speech works great from home. Just the way they like it. Imagine the labor movement going home after 15 minutes. We would all still be working 14 hours a day 7 days a week for straight time. Or maybe the woman's movement minding their manners like nice obedient slaves. Hell they have no right to vote or work anyhow. I'm sure the African American population would have faired much better if they had sat quietly at home hoping for the oppressors to do the right thing.
It's called civil disobedience my friend. You should pick up a history book now and then you will become a smarter, better person.
"you do not have the right....." Bullshit. The right to peaceably assemble in a public space is a pillar of freedom. It's the same right that allows you to make a judgement against an entire group of people, and allows me to tell you to pull your head out.
The mortgage meltdown destroyed the banking system while we let those privileged crooks rip off what they call bonuses.
No entire nation could be this stupid. It is a powerful trance that allows the entire country to be paralyzed by incredible crimes all on record. All the bribes from corporate executives are on the record but they call the bribes "donations and contributions".
Strauss-Kahn was allowed to rape the black maid. Not one person but me has recognized allowing the privileged to rape an average person, right in front of the entire country because arrogant Americans are in such a deep trance they think nothing of it.
16,000,000 children are homeless and starving from the mortgage meltdown crime by the bankers and the rating company people who got their fees from the mortgage rating fraud. They arrest people walking on the Brooklyn Bridge but the Strauss-Kahn rape is protected by the government who released Strauss-Kahn while we fools just watch.
We are in a bottomless pit of irrational, self destructive, psychotic behavior. There is an arrogance in America rather not admit to stupidity of electing an outright crime family. The primary crime is bribes and kickbacks. But obstructing justice by specific police men in Bridgeport and the state police in CT for refusing to act in accordance with the law. Why any cop would refuse to solve the 911 attack by the Bush conspiracy is taking the risk of being prosecuted for treason. The cops who decide they must solve 911 by prosecuting Bush will be bigger heroes than George Washington was.
To allow the Bush 911 attack and his lies to go to war and the mortgage meltdown means Americans are in a trance.We must demand justice for all this. To get justice requires electing a new 3rd party. The Democrat Republican CRIME FAMILY isn't going to arrest themselves.
If these people aren't angry about the Bush 911 attack and millions of families including 16,000,000 children who are starving on the street while GE pays no tax on $14 billion that can only be because they are in a deep trance. The $5 billion tax they owe would feed all those people every day. Americans made the choice to protect the bribes by GE to create the tax loopholes which is a kickback for the bribes they had their lobbyists pay. Americans are in a naive, self destructive trance. They are sinking our ship and we're too arrogant to admit how stupid this is.
Uh, it's not brookfield's home.
And who sold our parks to private corporations? I think we should be protesting that too!
It amazes me, and I have posted this before, how some people can get so excited about park laws but don't care at all about the crimes being committed on wall street every day.
What crimes? Making a living? Supporting the country's economy? Please don't talk if you don't know what you're talking about.
I wonder how much damage these people have done to that park.
Private property ownership does NOT take precedence over the interests of the American People as established in cases of eminent domain.
If they can permanently rob a man of his family farm to build high power lines in the name of "the best interest of the American people", then we can certainly tell the owners of Zucotti Park to fuck off for a couple of weeks since this Occupation IS in the best interest of the American people. At least they'll get THEIRS back, unlike that poor farmer.
If you are the US government and adequately compensate the owners, then sure. You can stay there. If not, please get the fuck out.
Sorry, the U.S. government is supposed to represent US, not the other way around. We are doing you the courtesy of cutting out the parasitic, ineffective middle man.
Compensation? Fine, we'll remove the jerks from office who have been allowing our economy to be sucked dry by senseless profiteering. We'll also make sure that the large mega corps that have been putting small business owners like myself out of business either contribute to the American economy..or get the hell out of the country. We'll make sure that you have a real voice, instead of the "choice between the lesser of two evils."
And finally, the owners will get their land back. I KNEW farmers who had their land taken to put in power lines. They didn't get paid fair market value..they got paid peanuts, and THEY never got their property back.
The owners of Zucotti Park are getting off easy.
P.S. Now I guess it's up to the folks that wish to shut down this crowd to come down and MAKE them get the fuck out.
Between nonsense threads that serve no other purpose than to call protesters "hippies, dissidents, trespassers, bums, freeloaders, rich babies, etc.", everyone either calling each other "hippie" and "fascist" and a bunch of infiltrators coming in here and trying to push 1%er scams on OWS...
...I'm really getting worried about this movement. Or at the very least - this particular forum.
^^^^New forum started by someone. Are there any other forums out there too so I can suggest to them to link to each other?
I didnt want to tell you this but, you mom had her 15 mins. last night!
its only good until it happens to them i guess...
Actually, the company who owns the park were granted specific building permits if they opened up their land to the public in the form of the park. So the tax payers would not have to pay maintenance cost, the company agreed to maintain the park. If the private company wants the public off of their land,then they have to give up their earlier public concessions. That is the legal contract.
Corporate America is making itself at home in your living room every day!! You are just another brainwashed consumer!!! I feel sorry for you, please try to wake up.
You're toxic. Plain and simple.
Private Park thats an oxymoron. Here you can only use this park if you make 100000 or more. If I were a millionaire I would build a park with paths and grass and knolls that look like a golf course with cement modern art. With a sign that says no hippies allowed then throw an empty coke can in the middle.
in the rest of the world, they have to set the city on fire to get results. here... all we have to do is show up. so sit down and shut up while we show the world why we rock! you like to talk about america being exceptional, accept when you have to go beyond talk. those that work for a living and talk down about this movement are cowards. the rest have sold their souls.
Why don't you try that, working for a living, instead of waiting for the government to give you my money.
The angel has spoken from la la land. :)
Angel you are assuming these people have a home of their own...would have been better to say "your mommy's or daddy's home"
I know the Native Americans were treated poorly with regards to European settlements.
But that's in the past.
some are allowed to run gambling joints
jsut like Wall Street
Oh, well now that you put it like that I guess it's settled.
Thanks for straightening it all out for us. That's right OWSers - angelofmercy has let us know we should go home and grow up. I guess we ought to do just that. I mean, obviously his opinion is better than that of the majority of Americans that feel the system is rigged and want to see the money out of politics.
Its bribes. Its not money. Only people in the propaganda trance can't write the word BRIBE.
Bribes are crimes. Money isn't a crime.
OWS is going to fail if the correct word "bribe" is omitted.
Nope, I wrote it 100% the way I wanted to. Money.
Indirect bribery and legal auctioning of our politicians is the same thing as a direct illegal bribe. 94% of the time the politician with the most funds wins ... and how do they get those funds? Legal auctioneering and indirect bribery.
Worse, now that corporations have been granted personhood and money is now protected under the 1st amendment ... they can donate unlimited amounts.
If you want our politicians to represent the PEOPLE'S interests -- money and politics should not mix.
Its not indirect. What is indirect? Explain that nonsense.
Bribery is simple. You've been completely brainwashed. The 1st amendment doesn't protect any crime including murder, rape, and bribery. This is the reason you will doom our opportunity to win. Liberal losers fall for the nonsense. You're very arrogant so you rather be wrong than win the battle. Bribery is the crime they are all guilty of, so piss that away. Thanks for screwing up the real argument.
You really are ignorant to current politics aren't you?
The Supreme Court recently ruled that money is speech and thus protected under the first amendment rights overturning precedents set in 1990 (Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce) and 2003 (McConnell v. Federal Election). The biggest blow to restricted contributions since 1973 (Buckley v. Valeo). The Supreme Court has ultimate decided that unlimited contribution (or a legal bribe) to politicians is perfectly okay. Combine that with corporate personhood and you have the ability for corporations to donate, aka buy or legally auction, any politician.
I'm not liberal and this isn't liberal. This is simple fact.
So, please stop with the "brainwashing" rhetoric unless you are actually cognizant of what's going on around you. I am certainly not screwing up the real argument by understanding what the issues truly are, sir.
Unless you divorce politics and money you will have an auction system and a pay-for-play system. Get Money Out!!
If the Supreme Court made murder legal, would it be legal? Of course not.
Only people in a brainwashed trance call bribes money. Your arrogance keeps you from recognizing the stupid statement you just wrote about the supreme Court.
Yes, as a matter of fact it would make it legal.
Wouldn't make it right. Wouldn't make it correct according to the spirit of the constitution. But it would make it legal.
Illegal laws are illegal. You are in a deep trance. You bought the crap.
Stay in your trance and you will help destroy our opportunity.
Impeach the supreme Court for illegal rulings that ruled bribes are OK. Prosecute Obama and the entire Congress if we can get a 3rd party elected.
It is what it is, bro.
It's not buying the crap - it's the nature of the societal order that we set up and maintain. Impeaching or holding trail for treason is definitely something I would rally behind.
But assuming they can't abdicate their duties and make laws counter to the spirit of the constitution because you don't like it is foolishness. The government can pass into law or amend the constitution as they see fit - so long as we let them.
This isn't being in a trance - it's understanding the nature of the social contract the American people have with the government.
Putting the entire country into a trance which purposely makes all citizens docile which is the objective for "political correctness".
I'm trying not to insult all the people who are directly responsible for illogical, irrational behavior and judgment that is burying us. If you try to analyze your conviction you might learn it is self destructive. There's no social contract. Concocting that false claim is another symptom of your trance.
I think you and I are saying the same thing from two different sides.
I'm saying that when we adopted the constitution - that was our contract with the government. They represent us and can be deposed just as easily according to our contract. "We the people ..." is how our contract begins.
With that said, it's our duty to police our government for injustice and corruption.
This isn't being in a trance -- it's just a different view to an end.
I have taken risks none of you would take. I wrote a book about that which included 9 years in Federal prison. I wish every person in this movement would read my story, but first please read my blog posts here:
Yeah, I'm not into the 9/11 conspiracy. I admit I'm not fully informed, but I think it's far fetched to think it's an inside job of that magnitude. Too many people would have to be involved and you give these people far too much credit for being able to pull it off.
I have studied 9/11 for the past 4 years. I know this case better than anyone in America. the entire crime was filmed. If I got half an hour to present the evidence there would be no person who had any doubt.
Is there a number of people that prevents a conspiracy? That is a baseless claim.
The issue is based on evidence. What happened, happened. To blindly think what you just said is baseless. You happen to be dead wrong.
By the way, that is their best defense -- agreeing that they are incapable of the conspiracy they pulled off works -- and you just proved it.
But you can say that about anything. It's circular logic that proves itself true by definition.
I mean, I could say it's my best defense to say that I am incapable of being the catalyst that causes the sun to rise in the morning. With that denial I have proven that I have actually risen the sun.
It's like people that claim "faith" when it comes to religious discussion. It is an argument that cannot be debated.
Please try not to take my focus on a trance to be an insult. If I could learn some way to get this point across to everybody without offending anybody.
Americans are self destructing -- not because Americans are stupid people. Americans are gullible for every bs load the propaganda media uses.
I'm 69 and have watched eco and politics very closely for more than 4 decades. I have watched many hearings on C-span for more than 2 decades. I have legal experience including the supreme Court. I am a master at strategy against very powerful enemies.
If I got an opportunity to address this group for an hour and then answer questions for as long as you want, I will give the OWS a strategy that will win. It will bust this entire criminal -- media / government propaganda trance to pieces.
I have been to the park 4 times and never got any opportunity to address but a few people at a time. They loved what I had to say.
This whole protest is too fragmented for me to figure anyway to help. I will continue trying to create unity on this forum. I hope you and others will help me. At the risk of sounding arrogant, I am better informed than this entire crowd.
@Steve - There is a way - get a camera and record your ideas. Post to youtube as a multi-part series.
Give us an agenda sheet to review in the form of a powerpoint presentation or something.
Please help me do that. I will be on the next train to NYC. You are talking to a computer idiot who doesn't have a cad cam and wouldn't know how to work it.
Or I will gladly pay your way to come to Bridgeport.
I wish I could, sir.
I have my own life here that requires my involvement. I envy those that can demonstrate and owe a lot to them for being able and willing to fight a battle I'm unable to.
As for needing help - find people out there. They got skill.
Agreed, they should move around the city as any army does, dominating one part for while to state their voice and choice in Public Assembly, as is their constitutional right, and then move a month or so later to someplace down the street, only to return once again in a circuit of circular stops.
So, your exactly right, but many more people will come to your side when you are proactive (for “new” Business & Government solutions), instead of reactive (against “old” Business & Government solutions), which is why what we most immediately need is a comprehensive “new” strategy that implements all our various demands at the same time, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management System of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted a 1-page Summary of the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do so at:
if you want to be 1 of 100,000 “support clicks” needed at to support a Presidential Candidate – such as anyone you'd like to draft – in support of the above bank-focused platform.
Most importantly, remember that any candidate, regardless of party, is a straw man, a puppet; it's the STRATEGY – the sequence of steps – that people organize themselves behind, in military internet formation of their purchasing and investment power, that's important. Therefore, please read and think critically about the 1st link and join the 2nd link and you'll see and feel exactly what I mean.
"then move a month or so later to someplace down the street" Still Squatting unless you have permission.
Everyone has the right to Public Assembly and perhaps they should have thought about that before they made everything into private property. Nevertheless, its called constitutional freedom, and stringly protected legally. True, it is a bummer sometimes, but to do otherwise is to walk down the slippery slope toward dictatorship. Is dictatorship what you really want?
everything is not private property
Private this, you jackass. Get off the computer and read a book.
i am reading a book and using my computer concurrently
Well, you're friggin amazing then! I salute you!