Forum Post: Your organizer Van Jones and the union involvement turned this whole thing into a JOKE
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 2:58 p.m. EST by Hicard
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Yes I get that everyone but the 1% is the 99% but union involvement and individuals that already work for the government will and have already, fuck this entire movement up in the eyes of everyone else who isn't demanding their school loans are paid back.... Total and utter FAIL!
United we stand divided we fall
Van Jones is not anonymous.
Van Jones is a NAMEFAG.
Anonymous does not assume personage, as anonymous realizes that being a person only counts if you're in the 1%.
Otherwise you're 99% slave.
You know your LEGAL NAME!
That's your slave name.
No one supports Van Jones except commie fucks like Obsama bin Laden and the banksters.
This isn't about getting our student loans payed back. It's not about simple wins like that. It's about unifying and standing up for financial and political equality. Unions are all about unifying. It is exactly what this movement needs. We are fragile right now, but as long as we keep our spirits up we will keep building until everyone, the whole 99%, is ready to take a stand.
Exactly, you think this movement needs unions. Bring them in and watch what happens, go ahead
I don't think it's about unions, but I do think it's about joining together for what we believe. Another word for that is unifying, and that's what unions do. This isn't about bringing sponsors and getting talked up by the already recognized organizations, it's about the 99%, which includes those unions.
Hicard, you are clearly just wildly anti-union. I don't think there's any reason for that. If you care about this movement then stop trying to fragment it.
I have never worked for anyone but myself, no corporations no unions. I just understand the way the countries being driven poorly. It's not anti union , it's pro democracy pro liberty or death. Please look at the effects of unions in e last 20 years before you make senseless comments about me trying to fragment the movement. While your at it take a poll of peoples feelings towards unions
So what? Look at the voting behavior of old people in the past 20 years. They've been a menace too. Should we exclude them from the movement too?
Your statement is run on and makes little sense.
Check the link after the edit mark on this page for a working list of goals
and this Warning from the original Tea Party before it got hijacked
and this list of usefull PDF files
Looks good.. So after you get your student loan paid back and Barack Obama reelected ,then you push this agenda?
actually, I am not an Obama supporter, or a collage student/graduate/dropout.
I am an American Veteran of the Army, who has political ideas close to the Libertarian ideas on government.
I do not call my self the member of any one party, I am employed as the only IT person for a medium sized business.
I love my country but hate the way the government treats her, I have a tattoo of a coiled snake with the American flag and the words "don't tread on me" Liberty or Death".
I put my Flag up every morning on the balcony of my apartment, and i take her down every night.
I have a wife, no kids, and a cat.
Anything else you need to know before you make any more assumptions?
We are very similar actually.
then you should understand why I support this movement, and I would recommend that you try to stop assuming things about people.