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Forum Post: Your message gets distorted!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 11:19 p.m. EST by Pariah (5)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I decided to write here, so that you know what it looks like and how it is presented from the outside. What you try to say is filtered out and not just because of the "evil" media that some of you really like to see as your ultimate foe, but partly due to the way you present things. What I am about to write is something I want you to read and think about, please do! It is by no means an attack or anything like that. It is an attempt to assessing the situation from an outside and presenting some views in media and among the people I know. Even the objective media that have I've grown to appreciate show you as 1) aggressive 2) leftist 3) spoiled rich kids struggling to 4) destroy capitalism!

1) Because of the attacks in Rome you are shown agressive. You HAVE TO, you MUST state explicitly that you are a peaceful movement and you condemn the attacks. Media like short catchy strong statements, best would be crowd chants like that. You may know, obviously, that your movement is peaceful. Yet, if you do not PROVE it, you will be remembered in history as an aggressive movement just because some guys decided to destroy stuff in Rome. It is IMPORTANT! This is how propaganda and history-shaping works.

2) You have to keep your message clear too. I myself do not see any particular aim in what you are doing. What exactly do you expect to be changed? How? I see some of it as populist and naive, sorry for being frank, because catchy phrases do not give specific ideas for a change. You have to work for a specific change, for something tangible to make some use of it! I believe that if anything, those protests can show people that they can at least start voicing their concerns loudly. IT IS A VERY IMPORTANT THING THAT YOU'VE ALREADY ACHIEVED. It may give people courage to say "I do not accept!" and show that no misdoings will go unnoticed. I do not mean revolutions, most of you do not need it. Revolutions bring just a change of rulers and more often than not one dictatorship is changed for another type of dictatorship. Communism is Russia cost more victims than all the wars in the 20th century combined. And communism started with catchy slogans that some people start pronouncing here quite often too - money of the rich to the poor, everything should be common and so on. It was a blood bath and resulted in another dictatorship! You should strive for changes, not revolutions, remember! Do not go too far to the left nor the right! Be moderate and be clever! And keep in mind that radicals have found place among you and so did populist fanatics, and I have observed it and came here just to warn you, as a person from the objective outside - BE VIGILANT AND CRITICAL all the time. BE SPECIFIC. and remember that there have to be means of change for any successful change. And that the government needs its citizens and the more you say what you think the more it will have to adjust. You just have to make your message clear, say exactly what you expect and how.

  1. This is just a comment -some people disregard your doing saying that the real people who need help won't even know about those protests that you are organizing. That the people who are really in need are not the ones among you. I do not really agree with that, but I think it is important for you to realize that .Plus, many "cool kids" think it is trendy to take part in the protests, not really conscious what they are protesting about. And they are distorting your message too. Your duty, if you take it all seriously, to straighten out the message and relate what other people do IN YOUR NAME, basically.

4) Last but not least, you are shown as extremists trying to destroy something that allowed you to broadcast, write about and organize the protests. All the technology you DO possess and use during the protests is not available in the really poor countries where people really have nothing. Try to relate to the Indistrial Revolution times and what were people and their possessions like back then. Samewise with the countries of deep communism (yes, communism is the extreme-left idea of a government) even 20+ years ago. This is also something that you have to image-wise deal with in ways of positive propaganda. That you are not credible by saying that capitalism is evil, because it is bullshit.

That's all from me. Again, it is just something I would really really like to think about. It is not an attack, it is not a support for anything. I sympathize with you and want something positive to come out of it. I think it may give people hope, courage and maybe start politically independent media to grow larger and larger. I wish this to us all, peace!



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[-] 2 points by hollatchaboy (55) 13 years ago

You've basically stated what lots of people are thinking about - "is this going anywhere real?" I'm all for OWS as I think it's a shame the way the big money influences our politicians more than the people - that said I'm not against capitalism, anymore than I am for "eating the rich" or "ending the fed." That stuff means nothing to me and it drives away the struggling middle American who is also against the big money influence. Moreover, every time I've marched with OWS, I end up hearing "End the Occupation of Palestine" "US out of South America" "Legalize the Illegals" etc etc etc, every niche cause and struggle tries to find its in with this....and to hear it screamed by Columbia University students whose parents are probably very invested in the 1%, well the irony isn't lost on me.

We want some change in this country for sure, but bringing in every far left rallying cry will drive away the average voter, while acting like slobs or spoiled rich kids will surely end any momentum this has gained.

[-] 1 points by PeoplehaveDNA (305) 13 years ago

I agree people need to keep this about the money and the jobs. I don't think people know how to prioritize issues very well.

[-] 1 points by Pariah (5) 13 years ago

I would like other people to read too. Do not get scared by the text volume, it won't take long. I know that insta-short-messaging is the creme de la creme of modern communication, but please, take some seconds to at least skim it.

[-] 1 points by Pariah (5) 13 years ago

Thanks man. If the idea spreads somehow and somebody will repeat it, maybe it will help at least a bit to trigger some positive changes. I would really love to see initiatives based on intellect and reason in a peaceful atmosphere steaming from all this. And around the world. I gtg now, good luck folks! :)

[-] 1 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

Last try..........

[-] 1 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

Too important people, your thoughts please?

[-] 1 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

Too Important for people to read. I will continue to post until more recognize a basic frailty.

[-] 1 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 13 years ago

I can see OWS getting painted that way. It is unfocused. The core demand that I see is get money out of politics, which already has a proposal with a lot of signatures: http://www.getmoneyout.com/. I think political bribing is the source of many problems that people are concerned about.

[-] 1 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

Yes, just like the video one the "news" section under " occupy the doe". After watching, i posted the following: "So now, I am officially disgusted. Per usual, I want to rewrite the laws, but established, common decency does not apply to me. This is exactly what will drive opinion away from OWS." Your post is extremely relevant.

[-] 1 points by Pariah (5) 13 years ago

You are right, it may easily get watered down and get worn off, thanks for sharing your thought hollatchaboy. It just occured to me that I think it should end before it gets bad, to retain its positive image and lay foundations for similar future peaceful acts. Think of it as of a sportsman's career - if you stop the craeer in the blaze of your full glory, you achieve something great that can be used for your benefit, e.g. to get more money from advertizing, contracts and so on. If you go on and allow yourself to turn mediocre, you will lose it all. Or most of it. Here the OWS and similar acts, like the one that started it in Spain, earn some kind of image and strenght capital too, It may easily lose it tho'.

PS Sorry for the typos, "eaten" words and bad editing etc in the first posts - I was rushing it, turned out unprofessional. ;)

[-] 0 points by Joeschmoe1000 (270) 13 years ago

Lo mas oscuro Lo mas facil colgar
