Forum Post: Your Government Has Taken A Massive Shit On The Constitution!
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 28, 2011, 1:28 a.m. EST by XXAnonymouSXX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
With the overwhelming support of the NDAA by the house and senate, these elected officials have gutted the constitution. These traitors should be impeached for this. Instead America just goes along with it like good little sheep. WTF people? Do we really care that little about our freedom? Complacency kills and this is mass murder. Wake up. This is the police state and you're letting it happen. OWS is already been considered a domestic terror organization. Maybe you'll wake up when you're headed for a FEMA camp.
First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
I fear that, in the circumstances - your quoting Pastor Martin Neimoller is extremely appropriate and though lacking the same grace, I'd add that it's looking "like one big SH!T Sandwich and Everyone's going to have to take a bite" !!!
respice ; adspice ; prospice ...
@ XXAnony : Further to your depressing but necessary forum-post, I append the 6 articles below :
a) "The Homeland Battlefield", by Lawrence Davidson : ;
b) "Detainment Camps Going Live : FEMA Seeking Subcontractors to Provide 'Temporary Camp Services' In All 50 States : ;
c) "Defence Bill Establishes Martial Law In America!" (Video) : ;
d) "The US Becomes Just Another Military Dictatorship" : ;
e) "Indefinite Detention of American Citizens: Coming Soon to Battlefield U.S.A." (Matt Taibbi) : &
f.) "Must we Permit the US Military to Detain Americans Without Trial ?" : .
Libertati viam facere ?!
Who cares about the FEMA camps. That's conspiracy-nutter bullshit. The real reason to be worried about the NDAA is that it encodes a suspension of Habeus Corpus. I refuse to live in a country which denies Habeus Corpus, so if the NDAA is not struck down by the SCOTUS quickly, I am applying for political asylum in another country.
You'll care when you're dragged away to one for supporting OWS wont you.
what part of my statement was not clear? I WILL NOT be living here. What, are they going to come to Germany or Denmark, or Canada to haul me off to a FEMA camp? lol.
I guess you might be ok. Who knows. Uploaded by TruthSeekingElf on Dec 17, 2011
There is little one can say about a video such as this but nazi Germany has arrived in the US predicted by many for years. The writing was on the wall so people shouldn't be surprised. Credits to the editor of this video Matt D and to YouTube user clipofreality who uploaded this clip on 14th December and thanks to rohbss for bringing this video to my attention. I am very glad that more people are now awakening to the atrocities that have been going on for a very long time. The more people that see this video the better. It's all about informing and spreading truth after all.
Uploaded by PiPhD on Dec 16, 2011
Something JUST occurred to me, that next year in 2012 we will be in a situation where Bush's desire of not even having an election will come to pass since we will be in a literal Martial Law situation because of SB 1867 NDAA! :o/
Education Ron Paul interview backstage of Jay Leno's show addresses NDAA and its implications and Dana Carvey does a comedic impression of him.
More FEMA camp nonsense? When will these sad conspiracy theorists take their meds and stop wasting everyone's time with their confabulations?
Here you go. You're welcome! Put this together with the NDAA and you have marshall law buddy. Economic collapse is near and they will designate anyone who disagrees with them as terrorists. BTW OWS is already been labeled as domestic terror group.
The camps in your article are for responders to emergencies through the incident command system. These are not FEMA camps, these are for people who come to help in an emergency. I think FEMA camps may well exist but this link has nothing to do with them.
Yes it does. But thank you anyway.
This isn't a conspiracy theory you fucking idiot. Check the homeland security website. You really need some new material. And why should you care, you're in thailand or some shit. I don't need your comments thrasy. You're a fucking troll douchebag! Avoid posts that make you insecure little boy. You might have some gay tendencies the way you follow me around trying to discredit me but guess what, I'm not afraid of you. I know who you are. :(
Wow, your feelings get hurt very easily. Are you still a young teenager who can't control his hormonal rushes? You shouldn't you such foul language. It's not polite and doesn't help your case. It makes you look out of control.
If you haven't noticed yet socrates, the world is out of control. And you're a dickhead. I don't care how it makes me look because when you realize I am right you will be eating your own bullshit. You are not a demigod thrasy. You are a propagandist and I see right through your lies. Wake up!