Forum Post: Your Government at Work Harassing Fishermen with NO STANDING...
Posted 12 years ago on June 5, 2012, 10:57 p.m. EST by peacup
from Murray, KY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Stop abusing workers Uncle Sham...
there's an underlying motive to this action. NOAA wants to put fisherman out of business to protect the fish stocks. they've been having this battle for years actually decades.
I never knew they would stoop this low to achieve this goal. To personally profit from it is absolutely unconscionable, They know how hard fishermen work and the high risk of the job.
Controlling your food makes it much easier to control you. Think about it. Hell, if you store more than 7 days worth of food, the justice dept considers you a potential terrorist.
see post below and slam him with emails he might be surprised he's even on OWS radar
this isn't about controlling food this is about controlling fish populations.
Fish is food, and controlling fish populations is the excuse they use to control our food. Sorry you think I'm off topic; but I'll concede and go away. No prob. Have fun with your chat.
This makes me so mad.
It's going on everywhere. The EPA, USDA, IRS and Dept. of Commerce is really good at harassing people, not just NOAA.
I'm not surprized at some corruption but fishing is incredibily hard work. Why would gov workers try to make it so much harder?
Because bureaucrats need to justify their existence. Think about it, when a policy wonk has created millions of pages of policy and documents and there's no other laws left to write, what do they do?
Answer: They write another policy or law because they have to justify their existence and derive their power. Without more laws to control the people, politicians and bureaucrats out of a job.
"" this is the acting noaa director email slam him with with emails
This all started when the agencies were told they had to bring in more money.
The goal is not protecting the environment, the goal is bringing in revenue for the federal government. I saw another program on this. IT was really sad.
The agents, prosecutors, and other NOAA employees have "company cars" trips to Hawaii and Japan all on the backs of these fishermen and their families. Fines of more than $100,000 for "paperwork errors"
Kind of like traffic police writing tickets, not for safety but for revenue.