Forum Post: Your action is needed now--please read and participate
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 9:14 a.m. EST by Faithntruth
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The super committee is working on the next slash and burn budget. Raising taxes will protect the people and environment while moving us toward reduced debt. Please copy and paste the following information into a letter to your elected officials right away.
To find your congressperson you will need your zip + four...
The site for the senate will narrow it to your state...
Our great nation is in desperate need of decisions that are based in proven methods of keeping the government solvent. This is not a time to put political goals and ideology ahead of the good of the nation or her people. It is incumbent upon you to proceed with conscience rather than aiming for an ideological win and act in accordance with the following facts about taxation mitigating your voting choice.
The following is from a report "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century", created by a right wing organization called "New American Citizen" under the "Project for the New American Century" written prior to the end of the Clinton administration. It is available online. The membership includes Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Jeb Bush, as well as people representing military and corporate interests, and more than 30 of the contributors to the report were given positions in the Bush administration.
[(excerpt from Introduction, pg iii, para 1) For the first time since the 1960s the federal government is running a surplus. For most of the 1990s, Congress and the White House gave balancing the budget a higher priority than funding national security. In fact, to a significant degree, the budget was balanced by a combination of increased tax revenues and cuts in defense spending.]
The report further states that some defense spending was actually hidden within other parts of the budget by the Republican led Congress of 1994, with a net result that defense budgeting stayed flat, rather than decreasing (pg 69, Trends in Defense Spending, para 3).
In summary, the authors and publishers of the report are on the ideological right. The report clearly states that by the end of the Clinton years there was not only a balanced budget, but a budget surplus. The cited reason for these facts were the taxes put in place under Clinton coupled with a fixed level in defense spending.