Forum Post: You want to solve the problems of the world? Look into this
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 5:28 p.m. EST by genanmer
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Learn for yourself how resource based economics work
rbe is promoted by a fascist totalitarian cult and is not a solution until the fatal errors are fixed.!/note.php?note_id=10150123471175833&id=1207399798!/home.php?sk=group_168382919839280&ap=1!/group.php?gid=295812873005!/topic.php?uid=295812873005&topic=16179!/topic.php?uid=295812873005&topic=16178!/topic.php?uid=295812873005&topic=16200!/topic.php?uid=295812873005&topic=16199!/topic.php?uid=295812873005&topic=16198!/topic.php?uid=295812873005&topic=16181
You must have a very strong vendetta against Neil Kiernan
Exactly how is your vendetta relevant to the venus project, the zeitgeist movement, or the idea of a resource based economy in general?
That is answered by the links. this can have everything or nothing to do with neil. the fatal errors of the ideology are jaques fault, the fatal errors of management are PJS fault and the fatal errors of being adminatrolls are neils fault.
Where would you like to start? Its a fascist and totalitarian ideology, complete with star trek style landru god bots, depopulation, pipe dreaming nonsense, claims science as a guiding star but is totally devoid of science, and absolutely flips out any time you try to get things rolling in a science direction. Its a fascist hierarchal cult of personality organization. Etc.
Trying to discuss this with me on this forum is futile. I can only be the foot coming down on a bug here. If you want to have a diplomatic conversation, read the links and then get to the wiki. I have a page for this.
Many of those links you posted in the first post are broken btw.
So I take it that you dislike the leadership.
But how exactly do you associate the idea with depopulation, god bots, and the sort? Also please elaborate on the ideological flaws
dang, checking that links list shows they are def broken all over.
i didn't make those associations. tzm has those things in their ideological set.
god bots.. fine example.
let me look for it.
my bad. i thought i posted you THIS set of links.!/home.php?sk=group_163532010364963&view=docs!/home.php?sk=group_163532010364963&view=doc&id=164880556896775!/home.php?sk=group_163532010364963&view=doc&id=164925133558984!/home.php?sk=group_163532010364963&view=doc&id=164876403563857!/home.php?sk=group_163532010364963&view=doc&id=164879390230225
Again I must ask you to elaborate on what specific ideas you proposed which were not well received.
You spend a great deal of time trying to discredit these RBE groups without explicitly stating what they did to you nor providing examples/alternatives.
what they did to me is in and of itself an absolute proof but lets not get that complicated. in terms of ideology; 1. fascism. they propose a system which is fascistic and their cult operates as a fascist meta entity. 2. Totalitarianism. They propose a form of totalitarian control via a god bot computer. AND the actual form of government of the cult is totalitarian. 3. Anti intellectualism. DEspite all the warm words for science, the cult is actually anti science, anti truth, and knowledge, and slanders, libels, and attacks anyone who tries to bring up actual science process, ideas, or facts.
Further, my groups on FB ARE a legit alternative.
You don't want to share what they did to you, associate them with derogatory ideas, and then expect us to trust you without providing evidence?
Those are very strong claims but why not provide evidence here explaining why you believe it is fascist, totalitarian, anti intellectualism, impossible, etc?
Provide specific logic and/or evidence about the faults of the RBE idea itself or how the characters involved offended you.
I don't waste my time on websites of a cult esp after thousands of hours spent trying to help them which have only been deleted.
i have already provided such logic and already provided such information. you failing to click links is YOUR problem.
I've looked and there is nothing on your sites about what they specifically did to insult you.
It's just more of the same ranting and raving against them. No specific disagreements.
Btw, N.I.C.E: group
It's too bad there's nothing worth mentioning from those 1000s of hours? How was the organization of the group(s) dis satisfactory? What kind of advice did they ignore from you? Etc.
i'm not going to discuss that here.
i am willing to discuss it on the wiki, and there is an area created and set aside for that. its clear that you are not objectively paying attention to what i have said, and i'm thus just spinning around in circles with you. Such questions are clearly leading questions to reverse the situation and fish for things to attack me over.
i'm not stupid, i see that shit coming miles away.
I am not here to convince you, i am here to give a warning to the general public. TZM is a fascist cult and is not worth looking into- the end.
most people will heed that warning. tzm is not going to co opt this movement and its not going to suck in a fresh batch of dupes off this website.
if you have ANY intention of meaningful diplomatic discussion, take it to the wiki.
Alright, you don't want to share.
Good luck with your anti-TZM campaign.
Don't be Afraid!
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