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Forum Post: You Want Change? Create Your Own Political Party

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 8:34 p.m. EST by Robast (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

In order to change the laws created by and in favor of the big banks and corporations that bought the congress and the senate, both republican and democrat, you should create your own political party that will give you leverage in congress against the wall street bought politicians! Corporations are not people, this is an example of the laws passed by our corrupt supreme justice system!

  1. Change the law that the president shouldn't be able to appoint the supreme court justice, and these positions should not be for life. The justice system should be independent of political affiliations. The people should vote and not congress for the appointment of the supreme court justices.

  2. Corporations (like Walmart) should not be allowed to hire more part time employees than full time employees in order to avoid paying benefits to employees.

  3. Banks shouldn't be allowed to use taxpayers money to lend to consumers with exorbitant interest rates. If banks want to lend with high interest to make huge profits they should use their own money, not money from the government (our money) borrowed at little or no interest rates.

Open Ideas to Follow......................



Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by UPonLocal (309) 13 years ago

or get on board with direct democracy, and bypass the party system


[-] 1 points by Tommiethenoncommie (211) 13 years ago

Hackers will destroy it in no time. Do you want to further China's abilities?

[-] 1 points by UPonLocal (309) 13 years ago

built in same software as Whitehouse.gov

We get same regular security updates..

Cheep easy refutal by the way..when was your online bank account last hacked?

[-] 1 points by Tommiethenoncommie (211) 13 years ago

Never. But that is besides the point. Electronic voting can be easily rigged/messed with. Especially from the inside. Perhaps a convenient power outage or overclock? Or a sly source code copy to make a fake or reverse-engineered since it's online. Easy, really.

[-] 1 points by UPonLocal (309) 13 years ago

power outage...know what a lithium power pack is...has a built in chip and curcuits,,,functions a whole building UPS.... I do b/c I sell them..

Overclock...yah...uh huh, that would do nada....

Sly source code...that would do it and is why open source is what the court testimony suggests is key to being secure...and other ways to verify via community involvement...

a fake site...possible..but ways to get around that too, same as banks use...

so, not so easy really...if we are using facts in our conversation..

[-] 1 points by Tommiethenoncommie (211) 13 years ago

There are codes that overheat and fry the circuit board.

[-] 1 points by UPonLocal (309) 13 years ago

easily preventable too, or are your expert on negating only.

Have you seen how OHIO was hacked...and what coder there said to prevent...

Anyone uses term Never as fast as you should be questioned..

Are you a coder...you know this for certain..or you have a friend...?

[-] 1 points by Tommiethenoncommie (211) 13 years ago

I am a computer programmer. I'm worried about some of the advances in technology. For every invention there are people who like to spend their time figuring out ways to control, modify, or destroy it.

[-] 1 points by UPonLocal (309) 13 years ago

well, till then we can all debate online, vote and when that clock worm attacks we can go back to hand ballots.

[-] 1 points by Tommiethenoncommie (211) 13 years ago

And you will surely get this a lot: http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=5349979

[-] 1 points by Robast (2) 13 years ago

in order to change the system you need votes in the congress

[-] 1 points by bettersystem (170) 13 years ago

if you really want change, do away with political parties.


[-] 1 points by LoveToLickCum (54) 13 years ago

I have.....were called the Purple Nazis

Same concept......just more fashionable uniforms

[-] 1 points by Joder (10) 13 years ago

Create their own political party? They have a hard time organizing a camp in the middle of NYC on 33,000 feet of squatted land. Good luck with that. Besides, the socialists, nazis and commies already took up the cause, and I have no idea who else.

[-] 1 points by atki4564 (1259) from Lake Placid, FL 13 years ago

Agreed, so perhaps you would consider our group's proposal of an alternative online direct democracy of government and business at http://getsatisfaction.com/americanselect/topics/strategically_weighted_policies_organizational_operating_structures_tactical_investment_procedures_as_of_11_6_2011 , for this is a small-business-bottom-up approach, not today's big-business-top-down approach, so if agreed, join our group's 20 members committed to that plan at http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/StrategicInternationalSystems/

[-] 1 points by atki4564 (1259) from Lake Placid, FL 13 years ago

Interesting, I booked the link and will study its Democracy Act and compare it to my own. One problem I immediately see with it that it requires 2/3 majority rule. This will result in the same top 1% system we have today (as I explain near the bottom of my above 1st link), but thanks for the link. I'll study it further.

[-] 1 points by Robast (2) 13 years ago

you can talk about any utopian(or not) system but to change something you need the legislative power, so it comes down to having enough votes in congress and that.. you can only achieve it with a 99 party

[-] 1 points by atki4564 (1259) from Lake Placid, FL 13 years ago

You don't need permission from the "old" govt to start a "new" govt; read 1 page link.

[-] 1 points by UPonLocal (309) 13 years ago

good point and it needs to be debated.....have seen 60% also...please explain how the 2/3 is a problem ...