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Forum Post: You should take down the top "Point One Percent"

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 2:58 p.m. EST by mrt (0)
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For example, former U.S. Representative Brian Baird (Democrat) reveals tonight on "60 minutes" that members of the U.S. Congress are given secret intel that allows them to profit from the stock market. Members of Congress have bought stock in companies while laws that could affect those companies were being debated in the House or Senate. On one occasion a representative made significant stock purchases the day after he and other members of Congress attended a secret meeting where the Fed chair and the Treasury secretary informed them of the imminent global economic meltdown. The meeting was so confidential that all cellphones and digital devices were confiscated before it began. The Point One Percent is the upper crust in the Government that are ripping off the other 99.99%.



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[-] 1 points by rayl (1007) 13 years ago

a full investigation is necessary.

[-] 1 points by MJMorrow (419) 13 years ago

You are absolutely right. We need to go after the ultra rich, but the middle class and the rich need to stop identifying with the ultra rich, too. It makes me laugh, that the upper middle class and the rich, think they have more in common with the ultra rich, than with the middle class. The fact is that, even the rich tend to depend on their occupational incomes to maintain their standard of living. Paris Hilton could watch this country burn to the ground and still be ultra rich. Imagine, US medical doctors thinking that they can take or leave this country! Like hell they can. Go to Russia, India, Germany or China and see what an MD makes!

Most of the rich will be taxed to death, eventually and why? The ultra rich are big time debt holders of the USA. The rich are expendable, from the point of view of the ultra rich and the ultra rich aren't going to risk the US Governemnt not paying up. What is an MD, when compared to a guy worth thirty billion dollars? A poor slob, that is what an MD would be to a billionaire! [giggle] The rich don't want to foot the bill? Tough stuff, because the ultra rich will insist on it. You mark my words, the rich will be thrown undre a proverbial bus, by the ultra rich and the rich are no more neecssary than the middle class; so the rich better get with the program and worry about the middle class, before the ultra rich turn on the rich.