Forum Post: You people don't care about anything other than yourselves
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 11:49 a.m. EST by Korsen
from Fairfield, CT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
To the people posting about us not wanting to work, YOU people don't give a shit about the next man. Do you care that we could all be keeping 1/3 of our money if the country had solar power? Do you care that we could all be getting better universal healthcare, education, infrastructure, and fire/crime prevention? Not if you aren't making money.
It would cost 50 billion to remove new york state from the electric grid. 1.2 billion per month would be returned to the economy, repaying the investment in 4 years. Then, two more states can be taken off the grid, say new hampshire and vermont. 3 years later, we can take two more states off. 2 years later, another two states. 1 year later, another two states, until the whole country is off the grid. In 20 or 30 years, our kids would have an amazing future ahead of them. But apparently you like money more than kids or the future.
Those of you caring more about money than the next man, are also the ones denying women their right to control the fate of their bodies, as well as stripping the gay population of their due civil rights. How can any of you support that kind of shit religiously, logically, or on the basis of humanity?
You all have your priorities fucked up, and we'll still be moaning about money when this planet is holding a population of 30 billion and our resources are fucked because you jerkoffs couldn't give a shit to your future generations because you have to take all that money to your grave.