Forum Post: You people are bad.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 12:04 p.m. EST by Businessman
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Honestly, two months later and you have done nothing. Meanwhile the government is trying to pass a bill to censor the internet. Noobs.
Until Obama is out, we remain in trouble.. things are worsening in a very bad way
The entire Occupy movement should come down to DC and camp in Anacostia Park, site of the original Bonus March Encampment in 1932. Do what the Bonus Marchers did. Set up a clean, formal encampment. I'm sure there are enough sponsors who will pay for potties and showers.
Then, every day, all those at the encampment should get up at 6:30 a.m. and march down Maryland Avenue to the Capitol and spend the day visiting their Senators and Representatives. Every day until they get something done, like a nationwide Section 8 subsidy program so that everyone pays 1/3 of their monthly income for housing.
Let's get organized, Fellow Workers!
There's and idea! And you'll be out of my city! But guess what? You think you'll convince 98% of the 99% to give up another 1/3 of their income?
For housing? Housing for who? The homeless? All 500K of them?
We need 2.7T a year for that?
senseless and specious comment. The "Section 8" option would apply to all citizens as a new stimulus to promote both spending and saving. It would also allow for the absorption of all the "toxic" debt and the vacant foreclosed properties.
ahhaah yes!! thank you!! these people are simply losers with too much free time, mad they dont know how to make money in this economy. yawn.
and you're not a loser with too much free time? What's your suggestion MLM or some other ponzi scheme?
Even though I am apart of the movement I admit not much of anything has been done. If the movement ended today nothing will have changed. It would be business as usual on Wall St.
People have it somewhat right protesting Wall St. but, largely fail to realize that any meaningful change must be directed at government, who ultimately is accountable to the people, and Wall St., who is unaccountable to the people.
If anyone wants to listen to a true voice of reason and not just a bunch of protesting read "The New Common Sense":
well intentioned but poorly worded, confusing, anachronistic and in places unintelligible.
Couldn't believe the internet censorship bill when I first heard about it. Obama really is a ███████. He ███████ █████.
They are inspiring others to take action..That's all they need to do...They just can't give up as you would like them to and you don't have to understand why these people are doing what they do...It's about fighting back against Corporatism...
The Protect IP bill? If our politicians are paid off the right way..There is nothing for you to do. They'll pass it. That's why the last Free Trade Agreements passed, even though it's clear that these FTA's are bad for our country.
Coporatism is just an excuse being fed by the government. Do you guys really think corporations are the problems? The Government is the one accepting their money.
What you just said is BS.."Fed by the Government"
Better to let the current system gamble trillions of dollars and sell out the entire consumer middle class?
and you call yourself BUSINESSMAN
The tumor Malignant Capitalism will kill the very organism upon which it relies, consumer middle class - not a very good survival instinct.
I never said there was no need for change, obviously there is a need for reformation. And I call myself businessman because I can see where the system needs the change instead of calling for a complete collapse and reform, which would destroy your precious welfare system by the way.
I for one, and I believe the vast majority of this movement is not seeking collapse. that would be insanity for all.
but from your perspective, how would you initiate the reform? what would those reforms be? and what would necessitate the system to adopt those reforms?
We are stuck in a plutocracy that ignores reason in place for a status quo that rewards their stubborn greed and control.
It is not an easy set of questions to answer.
But at least now, people are recognizing and admitting to the fact the there are hurdles that need to be addressed.
2 months ago - nothing, now discourse, debate and yes it is the struggle that is making it possible.
The vast majority of people are peaceful, intelligent beings who have come to the realization that without extraordinary measures, mostly peaceful, this SHIT WILL NOT STOP.
something needs to be done before they, the1% masters, not OWS ,collapses the entire monetary system. Our problems are long festering, who is responsible for that? we teeter on collapse.
what are your ideas?
Lower taxes (for smaller businesses), more incentive to start your own business and breach the gap in wealth and build a real middle class. Also the education system needs to be fixed.
that is a reasonable start thank you for your reply
If you have nothing to add, add nothing! OWS protesters are selfless and courageous. They represent the best in us.
OWS protesters are about as far from selfless as it gets. They are right and everyone else who doesn't agree with them is wrong. Yeah they're so courageous knocking down old ladies,putting small children into the middle of physical altercations,raping their own fellow protesters,stealing from their fellow protesters,throwing rocks,paint, and bottles at the police,that's pretty funny. If that's the best in us then turn off the light the parties over.
Selfless and courageous you say? Except for the part where they are getting violent and are all misguided. Courage has nothing to do with this either, you can be stupid and courageous.
Rome wasn't built in a day. and The New Rome cannot be torn down in 2 months. If you were watching the Colorado river 3 million years ago, you could not have begun to believe what it would one day create (the Grand Canyon).
You can't compare Rome or a river to OWS, rivers are natural and Rome was organized. You aren't.
I think he's saying that in 3 million years OWS might accomplish something.
We are natural...and far more organized than you think (evidence: OWS was evicted from Zuccoti at 4am on the 15th. By 7:00am we were in county court to seek and get an injunction).
That does not happen without planning and organization.
Jobs are becoming obsolete due to advances in technology. This should be a key issue with the OWS movement.
Check these links out:
The police are shutting down access so more protesters can not get in...
This is a movement of the people, for the people.
Those Patriots flooding cities all over this country come from all political and ethnic backgrounds. They believe in what made this country great, and in it's time of need have and will continue to react, even if you choose not:
When others oppose this movement, show them this...
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." . "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
The last sentence is what OWS is all about...
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
This is not political...
Don't forget that fact that the government wants to go to war with China and is out of control
Don't worry though, if we try to start companies and try to strengthen Americuh's economy all of our problems will go away.
How many years took Wall St to destroy America's and the world's economy?
He's right. You're protesting the wrong things. Obozo wants to shut down the Internet. It's part of his plan to destroy America and turn it into a dictatorship with him in charge. He's got the media already and the only place people are getting the truth is talk radio and the Internet.
Once they're gone, he can say anything and no one will know anything except what he feeds you. Try protesting when that happens and it will happen if you don't do something about it.
Don't doubt this is going to happen. A few congressmen have already hinted at this. Obozo himself has said from the beginning that he wants an internal army (think Storm Troopers) as big and as strong as our regular army.
Obozo is the Antichrist and you should be working together to stop him and the other extreme leftists who are doing this with him.
He says he wants jobs but he killed the Canadian Keystone oil pipeline that would have created tens of thousands of jobs and many industries. Why would he do that? We have many pipelines already and no environmental issues with them.
He sits there saying nothing about serious corruption in Solyndra, Attorney General Holder, Nancy Pelosi insider trading and much more Democrat corruption.
He is the epitome of corruption and you are protesting Wall Street. Wall Street is peanuts compared to how Obozo is corrupting this govt. Wake up, it's getting late.
you're a very sick person. You're also a liar. If you are a Christian, which is implied by your calling the President the Antichrist (which he cannot be because the Antichrist must be a Jew), then you are also going to go to Hell for your sin of untruthfulness.
Deal with it.
Your logic sounds completely unresearched and unintelligent. Go away.
realy god its about money and freedom nothing more nothing less
Yep, typical lefty response. No facts, just call me a liar and don't say what part of what I said was a lie. Go ahead, look it any of it up. Everything I said can be looked up and verified.
Obozo is the liar. That's another fact that can be looked up. Remember transparency, lobbyists, closing Gitmo and many more lies he told just to get elected by dopes like you.
Don't know how old you are OldLefty but he also said no senior citizen making under 50 K would have to pay taxes just to get the senior vote. Another fact and lie.
It's dopes like you that have helped destroy this country by letting this bum become president.
And keep religion out of it, it is just an expression, you idiot.
Also. He's not my president, I didn't elect him. When he shows us the real birth certificate, then he'll be my president. Uh oh, now I"m crazy too for not believing he wasn't born here.
Another lefty response when they have no answer to why he sealed all his records two minutes after he took office. We must be crazy. No, the crazy ones are people who see nothing wrong with sealing his records. Now that's crazy.
He said it himself (and you can look it up) that if someone is hiding something there must be a reason. Yep dimwit, he said that a few times.
you are far too immersed in your narcissism to be reasoned with. Lie #1. We have problems with DOZENS of our pipelines. They spring leaks all the time. Lie #2, everything else you said.
Antichrist is NOT just an expression. It is a powerful image that should only be used in its context. You're going to Hell. Deal with it.
So you determine who goes to hell and who goes to heaven now? Rather narcissistic isn't that? Of course he's lying,anything that doesn't fit your viewpoint is a lie to you.Sad.
I'm simply applying Christian theological principles. And I pointed out the one obvious lie. Besides the "birther" argument, of course, which was just too obvious to bother with
No,you specifically told him he was going to hell. You said nothing about "Christian theological principles",yousaid,"You're going to Hell. Deal with it." So I ask,when did God put you in charge? Don't you think it's rather arrogant of you to presume such power? As far as the birther argument it would be easily solved but sealed his records and has never provided a genuine birth certificate but that's neither here nor there. OWS is merely a pawn in Obama's game and it will be disposed of when it's usefulness is gone,be sure of it. He didn't hesitate to order the death of a USA citizen and if you get in his way he won't hesitate again.
you need to take a rest. Go check out that UFO that just landed outside your door. Then come back and read the entire thread. You will see that my "you're going to Hell" comment was simply the application of Christian theological principles, based on his previous statements.
Ah yes when you have no basis attack the person asking the question and call them crazy. Yep,you're definitely an old leftie because that's a tactic the left has used for years. All in all you're a very sad mean person.
You must be new.
Truth hurts ey?
I've been fighting the Internet censorship bill since I first heard about it, I've been fighting for net neutrality since I heard about it, and Keystone XL was not the answer as far as job creation was concerned. Tar sands oil is some of the dirtiest there is and we'd be far better off doing solar and wind power. Solyndra was a fuckup; I agree with you there. It would have been better for Obama to have taken the $500 million he put into that company and started his own public solar firm. That said, Solyndra was a fuckup. Halliburton and Blackwater were actual corruption.
Congressional insider trading is unacceptable, and we've already been demanding passage of the STOCK Act (that would ban insider trading) regardless of who benefits from it. You're trying to make it sound like Nancy Pelosi was the only one doing it when in reality pretty much everyone was playing that game. How the hell is Holder corrupt? What specifically has he done that you take issue with? Throwing out names and phrases like "much more Democrat corruption" doesn't tell me that you know what you're talking about. In fact, it tells me the exact opposite.
Are parts of our government corrupt? Yes. Who do the corrupt people answer to? That's easy; who pumps money into candidates it likes and blows millions on attack ads and smear campaigns against candidates who want to regulate them? Essentially, while bankers and corporate honchos aren't sitting on Capitol Hill passing legislation they're not that far from it. When the law permits you to pour as much money as you please into political campaigns, and people know that they need your money to get elected, you can effectively buy enough of Congress to push through whatever they want. I'd personally like to see a focus on campaign finance and lobbying reform, in particular overturning (or flat-out ignoring) Citizens United, capping individual donations, and disallowing corporate or organizational donations.
Also, Obozo? The Antichrist? Why don't you just go ahead and call him an uppity nigger; we already know what you think of him and we definitely know what to think of you based on your childish fearmongering. Extreme leftist my ass; the man's a center-right candidate who's been caving to you and your ilk on a regular basis. The Internet censorship bill? That's not his evil plan to take over cyberspace; it's a sop to big telecom.
Holder is the worst of them all. Don't you remember when the New Black Panthers were caught on video with bats threatening voters outside a polling booth? They were found to be guilty and Holder let them free anyway.
Then there's the guns that were sold to Mexican drug cartels, to see where they would wind up and a border guard was killed with one of them eventually. Holder said he knew nothing about it and now it's coming out that he lied. Fast and Furious? In the news now?
Other Democrat corruption. Rangel, Seabrook, Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, John Murtha? The list goes on. Yeah there are Republicans in there but usually the Dems get rid of them quick. They do nothing to the crooked Dems, we can't get them out of office. How many Republican crooks are still in office like Democrats are? Not many.
Reid didn't have a pot to piss in until he started making land deals in Nevada after he became senator. I'm sure there's no corruption there, he's worth 100 million plus. He's a crook.
Pelosi was making laws affecting real estate and using the info to buy stocks, land. Wow, you want to defend Nancy 'you'll have to sign the bill to see what's in it' Pelosi?
Could care less what color Obozo is, he's the biggest crook of them all. Spends our taxpayer money like he's 'nouveau riche' or something like that. Bali? WTF is that about except another junket for him and the queen bee?
You're right about everything you posted. The ows groups are nothing but tools, useful idiots of the current administration.
Anyone else?
You've all worn out your welcome.
You are disorganized.
You have no clear message.
You want change but have no idea what it entails.
You are boring.
You watch distorted media and have no idea what you're talking about
You are the ignorant cancer that drives this movement.
You are just like the guy that used to call black people "niggers" when they protested. Just look at yourself. You're spending your free time to spread hate speech on the internet. "Go get a job"
I'm of mixed ethnicity, and currently at work. Thanks for the generalization about a person of who you know nothing about.
I have one thanks, and I'm trying to help you see how stupid you're being. The only thing I've heard as a response to people speaking badly about OWS is "YOU LISTEN TO PROPAGANDA YOU SHEEPLE" That's you.
Do you support corruption in government?
I don't.
Did I say I did? No I didn't. And good for you, so why do you protest banks instead of a corrupt government?
I am so tempted to say "I know you are, but what am I?"
But that would be rude....
I hope the police get violent soon
oh? you would enjoy seeing people maimed and maybe killed? They call that sadism, pal, and it's considered a mental illness.
You need help.
Bump for truth.
No one wants to make a serious comment? I'm sad.
Clearly this thread feels trolly. Thus the lack of comments. But if you want the whole truth: Of course we're protesting Wall Street. They're the ones running the government so why to Washington where they're employees are. When you have a problem in a restaurant you go to the management right? The next step will be dealing with government influence I'm sure. Don't worry. It's only been two months. The Tea Party has has far longer to do even less.
I keep trying to figure out why you people are protesting banks when it's the government itself that is accepting their money.. But all my comments of this nature get deleted. Sadface :(
Firstly, no one pays attention to marches on Washington anymore. There have been too many. Secondly: They're the ones that crashed the system. They're the ones that will do it again. They're the lords of derivatives, of market volatility, of everything that has broken the American dream. Of course we're not going to someone just taking their money. Why would they listen before we've made it clear how angry we are.
The entire Occupy movement should come down to DC and camp in Anacostia Park, site of the original Bonus March Encampment in 1932. Do what the Bonus Marchers did. Set up a clean, formal encampment. I'm sure there are enough sponsors who will pay for potties and showers.
Then, every day, all those at the encampment should get up at 6:30 a.m. and march down Maryland Avenue to the Capitol and spend the day visiting their Senators and Representatives. Every day until they get something done, like a nationwide Section 8 subsidy program so that everyone pays 1/3 of their monthly income for housing.
Let's get organized, Fellow Workers!