Forum Post: You Know You've Had Enough When:
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 9:56 p.m. EST by sassure
from Salem, MA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
You know you've had enough:
when 2% of the population makes 90% of the money.
when government bails out the banks for losing millions but unleashes the IRS on the unemployed who have to borrow from their 401k to make mortgage payments
when a sitcom actress makes $10,000 a week while a veteran schoolteacher makes $30,000 a year
when those in homeless shelters lose all their teeth because they are adults and hence not eligible for welfare dental plans
when those who are wronged or victims of oppression cannot afford $200-an-hour attorneys so they can fight back
when public-assistance programs are being cut while 1 billion dollars a month are being spent on making war in remote corners of the world
when a CEO of a major corporation receives a multi-million dollar bonus after laying off 20% of the corporation's workforce and reporting a $800 million-dollar annual loss
My God, I could go on and on.......