Forum Post: You know you have their attention when they pull this crap....
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 12:21 a.m. EST by DavitchFarynVago
from Massena, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We don't buy into it. It will pass. And so will you. Down the sewer pipe of history. Patience and perseverance has outlasted every greed ridden despot that ever lived. friends.. take courage in the fact that for every one of you...there are ten-thousand wishing they could join you in the park. And for every one of them...there are...well...none wishing to take THEIR place. Keep your faith...and keep your heads. Don't let them bait you into doing something that will dishonor you or your cause. And keep warm. There are others coming to join you that will make that easier in the weeks and months ahead. Remember Valley Forge. Remember what true American Heroes through this country's great history sacrificed that these criminals have stolen. You are also part of America's history. Their ghosts are with you in this. Remember them. And then remember your children and your grandchildren. You are the whole reason for our future and our past. Make the difference you have set out to make. Live the today and the challenge it extends to you from yesterday and tomorrow for all those who look to you now.