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Forum Post: You have your own lobbying organization. Use it to overpower big business and special interests.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 2:14 p.m. EST by LobbyDemocracy (615)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I am establishing a lobbing organization for the explicit purpose of representing the majority. There have been many statements posted here and elsewhere slandering the lobbying industry and its effects. These statements are true and justified. Last year over $3.5 billion dollars was spent lobbying. This money represented big business and special interests, and I can assure you very little of it was spent representing the 99%. Many efforts have been made to get the money out of politics. The theory is that if the money is gone that the voices of average Americans can once again be heard. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court has made it clear that it associates the money spent lobbying the government and supporting campaigns is covered under our constitutional right to the freedom of speech. What I am saying is that we don't need to muzzle these voices to be heard. As has been made clear on Wall Street over the last several weeks, we are the majority and we will be heard. We have the ultimate power in a democracy. We are the majority and we can vote you out of office. The question is, "Between elections, how do we make sure that we are being properly represented?" I propose that we take the weapon of big business and special interests and turn it against them. We are forming lobby democracy to make sure that the majority's voice is heard every day. The same power that we have at election time we can express day after day after day. We may not have the money that the big lobbyist have, but we have the numbers. We will be polling our members to determine the platform that we represent. We are not starting with any perspectives or political leanings. We are simply here to represent your interests year round. Any issue that reaches 65% support (or opposition) we will take up. We will then look at the results district by district and find every district that is aligned with our national results. We will contact the elected leaders of all of those districts to let them know where you stand. The data will not only guide our mission, but also provide us the ammunition that we need. We will have solid data from their constituents letting the representatives know where they stand. We will bring the voice of the majority to Capitol Hill and let them know that if our needs are not respected they can rest assured that they will not be in office after the next election. If you are interested, please visit our site at www.lobbydemocracy.com. We will open up for membership on November 6th, one year out from the presidential election. There is a great deal of information up currently though about what we will provide. If you like the idea or have questions please let us know here so that we can rise back to the top of the list and others can find out about us.



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[-] 1 points by stefandav (13) 13 years ago

Force passing of Obama jobs bill. It ain't about Obama its about your mamma. Elect him as a tactic but have your own strategy. Reject the formal freedom offered by existing power axis. Experience actual freedom undermining those coordinates.

[-] 1 points by LobbyDemocracy (615) 13 years ago

i can't choose to pass anything. That is the beauty of the system. I am just here to make sure that the thoughts of the majority are heard.

[-] 1 points by stefandav (13) 13 years ago

Looking to form working cells or joining them. Check me out http://www.google.com/search?q=Facebook+Stephen+David+Mauldin

[-] 1 points by PlasmaStorm (242) 13 years ago

Yeah we saw your advertising already. You are spamming.

[-] 1 points by stefandav (13) 13 years ago

Looking to form working cells or joining them. Check me out http://www.google.com/search?q=Facebook+Stephen+David+Mauldin

[-] 1 points by LobbyDemocracy (615) 13 years ago

Sorry. I am just excited about getting up off the ground. My apologies. I am headed off to work in a minute and was trying to get a thread started.