Forum Post: You have been taught to endlessly focus on problems
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 11:37 a.m. EST by improvingourworld
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Mass media has taught you to endlessly dwell on problems. Is this movement teaching you the same thing? Don't be ignorant about this. It is now time to focus on peaceful and legal solutions. Let's reach consensus on the major problems. Then let's reach consensus on peaceful and legal solutions -- and then let's work to implement them. Spend your energy wisely!
Can't we all just get along and look the other way and keep doing what doesn't work.
Really just keep watching, listening, and reading the corporate media.
You are getting stupid, you are getting stupid, you are get........................
Related: "As soon as you break free of the orbit of received wisdom you have little trouble figuring out why, in the nature of things, government schools and those private schools which imitate the government model have to make most children dumb, allowing only a few to escape the trap. The problem stems from the structure of our economy and social organization. When you start with such pyramid-shaped givens and then ask yourself what kind of schooling they would require to maintain themselves, any mystery dissipates—these things are inhuman conspiracies all right, but not conspiracies of people against people, although circumstances make them appear so. School is a conflict pitting the needs of social machinery against the needs of the human spirit. It is a war of mechanism against flesh and blood, self-maintaining social mechanisms that only require human architects to get launched. I’ll bring this down to earth. Try to see that an intricately subordinated industrial/commercial system has only limited use for hundreds of millions of self-reliant, resourceful readers and critical thinkers. In an egalitarian, entrepreneurially based economy of confederated families like the one the Amish have or the Mondragon folk in the Basque region of Spain, any number of self-reliant people can be accommodated usefully, but not in a concentrated command-type economy like our own. Where on earth would they fit? In a great fanfare of moral fervor some years back, the Ford Motor Company opened the world’s most productive auto engine plant in Chihuahua, Mexico. It insisted on hiring employees with 50 percent more school training than the Mexican norm of six years, but as time passed Ford removed its requirements and began to hire school dropouts, training them quite well in four to twelve weeks. The hype that education is essential to robot-like work was quietly abandoned. Our economy has no adequate outlet of expression for its artists, dancers, poets, painters, farmers, filmmakers, wildcat business people, handcraft workers, whiskey makers, intellectuals, or a thousand other useful human enterprises—no outlet except corporate work or fringe slots on the periphery of things. Unless you do "creative" work the company way, you run afoul of a host of laws and regulations put on the books to control the dangerous products of imagination which can never be safely tolerated by a centralized command system."
So, reforming education, or until that, self-education, is part of the solution.
You are right. Unfortunately it seems that protest is the first step that people get stuck on, and hesitate to go through those other steps - research, implementation, changing legislation (via disseminating information and actively voting for local politicians who do champion their causes)... and if no existing politicians exist on the local level, perhaps even encouraging and supporting someone who would make a decent representative of the "issues". I hope that didn't fall on deaf ears. Boycotts might make some people take note that their company lost a few dollars. Sitting in the street has made people aware that "ok, something is askew in the big picture if so many other wise rational people have all been setting up camps". Now things have to be formalize and organized and implemented, with huge consideration and avoidance of alienation and splintering via what can be perceived as prejudice and hypocrisy.