Forum Post: You got yourself arrested. Aren't your parents proud now?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 7:50 p.m. EST by ramous
from Wabash, IN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Time for a reality check, kids. Reality check #1. This is what getting arrested looks like. You have been sheltered and may not have seen it before. Reality check #2. When you forcibly block an area ---- you get moved, and you likely get arrested. Reality check #3. And this, this is the procedural humane way all police are trained, to do that arrest so that you aren't permanently injured. Yep, it hurts like a mo-fo, but pain compliance is accepted method throughout this whole country of police departments. They are all trained the same way, and this is how they do it.
Come on down to earth, little kiddies....You thought this would be all cozy and warm, blocking ports and subways and parks and banks and sidewalks? Was it something you were doing for fun? Disrupting the normal day to day of 'law-abiding' citizens? You thought that would be ok with everyone? You thought it would be allright with the 99%? You thought it would be alright with the real 99% that you 'take over'? Well, another reality check..its not ok. With anyone.
So you block everyone's right of way and claim it as your own so they can't pass. You get arrested for blocking people's right of way. And this is how its done. And you pretend it wasn't your choice to cause all this to happen. Kids, nobody held a gun to your head to make you sit there, block a port, block a sidewalk, block a park. Those aren't peaceful assembly, those are Forcible Occupation. And ..ahem..against the law..because your rights end where another person's rights begin.
Now that you've joined us in reality land, think you could stretch that a bit and start taking some responsibility for your choices to be in that place, at that time, and breaking that law, so that you got yourself arrested?
And dudes, before you start the hate, you need to track down the LONG uncut -un-propagandized UC Davis video that shows the police officers asking multiple times for the students to move. Gave them MORE than ample opportunity. The officer asks again and again, and students refuse.
One word. Doh.
The days of being compliant are gone... You can thank the internet and free flow of information for that. It was easy in your day to accept things simply because you were not faced with the facts, they were suppressed!! Things are changing and you need to accept that. People are now more actively involved than your era ever was!
I know, and Im all for the change. Can one even imagine an uncorrupted politician voting for the people down the road? But screaming police brutality is only going to piss off the 99% that OWS wants on its side. Get yourself arrested for what you believe in, but then no whining like a _ (fill in blank.)
Although getting arrested may seem illogical it's a matter of opinion. Now days we look back on the civil rights movements and people suggest those arrested were heroes. Who is to say what the perception of OWS members being arrested will be 40 years from now?
I dont even disagree with the choice of getting arrested for OWS, doing what you believe in. But its as ludicrous for an OWS member to scream police brutality when it was their choice to get arrested, as it is for someone to scream rape on principle the morning after they willingly hooked up with someone.
You have the freedom in this country to disobey the law but you have to be willing to pay the price. All of those students were willing to pay that price but the officer overstepped his bounds Ramous.
They should have been handcuffed and led away to jail not doused in pepper spray, beaten over the head with a baton, or shot with a projectile of some sort as we've seen in the past few weeks. There are clips coming out of China and Russia indicating that their governments are using videos of these incidents to show the hypocrisy of our national stance on democracy and freedom abroad.
The chancellor, police chief and officer Pike will probably lose their jobs over this incident. Yes, the outrage is that huge and I'm sorry you can't see the difference between the two levels of wrong that occurred.
I don't agree with or advocate closing ports, subways or wall street but the overreaction by the local authorities has to end or the resistance to authority will continue to grow.
Well I would be hesitant to agree that no police brutality exists considering each individual police officer is somewhat unique (being human). That is like suggesting child abuse is non existent because parents are caring. Police brutality is a product of any protest, it's inevitable! However I believe that most police are good people!
Why did they have to stop them? Is violence against it's own citizens just in other countries? If our votes are stolen from us and our politicians sell us out, there is no backing up. When you having nothing, you have nothing to loose!
Ydye, if you watch the uncut (unpropagandized version) of the video, it shows the protesters blocking the sidewalk so other people could not pass by. Protesters were asked repeatedly to move by the police, then they were told to move, over and over. Police gave them every opportunity to move and let people through. They continued to refuse.
Forcible occupation, 'taking over' a sidewalk so no one else can walk there....that's OCCUPY taking the rights of other citizens away..which means the cops have to -have to- come in and take their rights back for them that OWS took.
Another option is the people who can't pass will be bodily moving occupy protesters themselves so they can get through the sidewalk. That's against the law to go citizen against citizen, but they'll get tired of waiting for the police to come do it for them, in some circumstance.
It has historically always been that the young generation see things that their parents can not see. I would be proud if one of children had enough conviction and compassion to stand arm and arm against an oppressor. "Come to the other side and be intelligent enough to look closely at that which you fear."
I'm 68 years old My parents died years ago.
People do know full-well that they can be arrested by a corrupt system, for opposing it. That is the point my friend. I see you have no clue, so let me explain; When the system becomes corrupt and oppressive, it becomes necessary to expose this system for what it is. A thug protection service for wealth and privilege in this case. If you think pepper spray attacks on peaceful sitting activists is acceptable then you are a truly troubled sadist. You will however see what results from the violent police actions, and perhaps you will eventually learn about empathy, and what it means to be a human being one day as well. Good luck, and do try to grow up.
I think people need to be a little more logical you are either too far one way or the other! Lets not demonize those who are just out there trying to make a living, that's only a distraction to the real problem. Even in the event that they do act on an order "that they may feel isn't right" it is usually for the well being of their family. They need that job for whatever reason and it's only human nature to look out for your own self-interests. The real bad guy is the person who gave the order.
Oh I get that. you're not listening, you're only pretending to listen. Im all for everyone getting arrested for what they believe in. But then OWN IT and own the results of the choice you made to get arrested. It was YOUR CHOICE to get arrested, no one made them get arrested or sprayed but themselves. THAT's the point, amigo.
Yahoo, ramous. Been saying that all along..........It has been per CHOICE that they do CHOOSE to keep doing things the way they do. It's no one's fault but theirs for getting arrested. I get a short fuse when I read that someone is SUPPOSED to fix this for them. This generation, and some older ones, simply can't get their heads out of the sand. I blame their parents for giving into them all the time when they were young.
you probably also believe that you must supply an id if a cop ask.. thats against the constitution.. but you would rather go along and tell people that yes.. cops have the right to demand an id for no reason.. like in communist countries. america doesnt need people like you. if you dont like it here move to burma.
I spent two months in an OWS park before the idiocy and calls for violence got too much. And I suppose you got that expert legal knowledge about the Constitution from watching too much CSI between math and social studies classes or ?