Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 10:25 p.m. EST by NOAMISRICH
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
No debate. Some people are destined for riches, others will live in misery. The politicians, clergy, labor unions, charities, can't solve it. Never will. Even in very rich families, one kid will get richer, the other will die broke. I see it all the time. So you guys want to end corporate greed? Its a fantasy. Its like saying END VIOLENCE. Focus on the precious time you have left on earth.
We are not robin hoods. We only want our government to be fair and just with everyone, not just the few that can afford to buy policies that only benefit them. We want opportunity to earn a good living and have choices about healthcare. Not scrape by or loose everything because of a medical problem.
I don't want everything handed to me. I want to have the opportunity to get a good job and to have decent healthcare that won't bankrupt me.
That's kind of hard to have when every corporation is doing everything they can to move every job they can to other countries because it's cheaper labor.
No sir, your right we can't end wealth inequality. But WE can take back our government and let corporations fail like they are supposed to if they screw up. WE can take back our government and help recreate opportunity so the next generation can work for a decent wage and contribute to society for the good of us all, not just the few.
Perhaps you are right.
But a nation who goes over to other nations to burden them with debt in order to exploit their resources to benefit the few, will be relatively rich compared to the third world country, which will live in misery, as you say.
What is happening to us now is the chickens are coming home to roost. Our system predatory corporatism (really, modern colonialism) is as we speak coming home to create misery in Europe, and also for us. Why do you think Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, and the U.S. are all on the brink of bankruptcy? Live by the corporate sword, die by the corporate sword. Also, why do you think the environment is polluted and natural resources are becoming scarcer by the day?
We can do nothing and let what is left be destroyed by the current system. Or we can take this moment in history and change it.
The MIddle class was supposed to end 100 years ago. It never did. The ozone layer? LOL My teacher said we were supposed to run out of oil in 2000. I'm saying people are paranoid.
is this what paranoia looks like?
As for the middle class, looks like they were off by 100 years then. Because the middle class is rapidly becoming non-existent.
There will always be rich people and poor people, but everyone deserves the same opportunities, when someone climbs to the top and then pulls up the ladder behind them than we lose the equality.
Please explain what ladder has been pulled away from your grasp other than your government dumping on you
No, you can't end greed, but the government is supposed to protect the majority from the minority of sociopaths in suits and limos. Our government is no longer protecting or even responding to the people. I question whether elections are anything but a show to pacify us, and the supreme court is so unbalanced it has become a shill for the corporations, too. Creating rules is how society functions, yet when it comes to rules for business, the politicians argue it makes us weak against the global market. This is just an example of the twisted logic they use to justify creating personal power and wealth. We used to tax imports to keep a balance and protect our interests, but the free trade agreements did away with that, once again benefitting the 1% at the expense of the rest of us. I'd love to see all the protests converge in DC: a silent force of millions. I'd love to see a strike by every American. Refuse to play the game until action is taken to get business out of government and under control. Just shut down the country for a day to remind them they need us.
Hey hippies, hate to burst your bubble but he's right. Some will always have more than others, just hope for a world where the ones who have, deserve what they have and dont get it by stealing it from those they pretend to protect.
Pack in the rhetoric and get a solution.
who gives a shit about someone having more then him.. its the factor 1000 that strikes a nerve because people are starting to wonder who is paying all that. that capitalism is natural bullshit is the last resort of the rhetoric of systemers, about time its on the table, means you are on the defensive at least in your own opinion.
Could you repost with correct grammar, spelling and punctuation? I can't understand you.
We or the masses will not come and take away your money. Don't be afraid! :) This country like every other country has enough resources for everyone's need but doesn't have resources to satisfy everyone's greed.
Sorry but the effects of corporate greed will end if laws are changed. Example. US companies be forced to employ US labor instead of moving to China to use cheap Chinese labor all while claiming to be a "US" company while paying no taxes per US laws. Imagine that.
Really? Look at what you are suggesting. Legislation has created this mess, remove a lot of it and you will have a change. You cannot legislate against greed.
The wrong legislation, has created this mess. The right legislation will change it.
in fact ending Global poverty is as cheap as one month in Iraq
Yeah, $6 billion a month would do a hell of a lot of good not wasted in Iraq
yes, you can, its actually in fact systemically inevitable as long as we get rid of the evil vampires on the top sucking everything unethical.
Sure you can, limit income to 2 million dollars per year like we did in the 50's. DONE.
It was no better in the 50's.
How about a protest to ban GRAVITY?
Who's with me?
I'm in! I always felt it was my human right to float around weightlessly. Damn gravity.
Actually speaking of suppressed science, check out the electric universe concept. It explains all of these things that conventional gravity theory can't explain. Totally fascinating stuff.
Welp, that's it guys. Pack it in. Internet denizen NOAMISRICH told us that we can't do anything. Go home people, we lost.
PERFECT! I second this.....
Nothin to see here folks, move on!
So we should do nothing? The existence of wealth is not even the issue. It is the imbalance in current society. There has always been the rich and the poor. But a healthy society is not so out of balance that the poor become the chattel of the rich. Unfortunately, it appears that this is the direction we are moving in.
life was always out of balance. get used to it. Just be happy you don't live in North Korea.
To do nothing is to deny the very human impulse to change what we do not like.
To capitulate to imbalance simply because imbalance of some degree or another has always been with us is dishonors all that have gone before us that HAVE sacrificed to improve our existence.
Apathy is the worst form of evil. All that evil needs to win is that good people do nothing.
Yes, equality can only exist in the form of equality under the law. Every other form of equality is a fantasy. Not only that, but equality taken to its logical extent would result in a world full of drones and would destroy everything that makes us human.
You can't end it true , but you sure can lessen it.
Let people keep what they earn, then it will be a lot harder to concentrate wealth. No more Trillions printed and given to banksters.
First decent answer kudos sir